PE GATE Exam Previous Papers | PE GATE Model Papers 2017

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PE GATE Exam Previous Papers 2017 | PE GATE Model Papers 2017

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GATE Petroleum Engineering Previous Paper 2017 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 65

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Petroleum Engineering Previous Paper 2017
1.The numerical method used to find the root of a non-linear algebraic equation,that converges quadratic ally is:
(A) Bisection method
(B) Regula -falsi method (method of false position)
(c) Newton-Raphson method
(D) None of above.
2.For water depth less than 8m.which one of the following drilling vessels is the most suitable and econimical?
(A) Semi-mersible rig
(B) Jack-up rig
(C) Drilling barges
(D) Drill ship.
3.which one of the following statements is correct for pseudo-steady state condition in a confined reservoir?
(A) The pressure decline stops in the reservoir
(B) The pressure declines at the same rate across the reservoir
(C)  The boundary pressure does not change
(D) The pressure starts increasing the reservoir.
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