ECE GATE Exam Previous Papers | ECE GATE Model Papers 2017 SESSION 2

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SESSION 2-ECE GATE Exam Previous Papers 2017 | ECE GATE Model Papers 2017

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GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering Previous Paper 2017 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 65

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering Previous Paper 2017
1. An npn bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is operating in the active region. If the reverse bias across the base-collector junction is increased, then
(A) the effective base width increases and common-emitter current gain increases
(B) the effective base width increases and common-emitter current gain decreases
(C) the effective base width decreases and common-emitter current gain increases
(D) the effective base width decreases and common-emitter current gain decreases
2. In a DRAM,
(A) periodic refreshing is not required
(B) information is stored in a capacitor
(C) information is stored in a latch
(D) both read and write operations can be performed simultaneously
3. Which of the follwoing statements is incorrect?
(A) Lead compensator is used to reduce the settling time.
(B) Lag compensator is used to reduce the steady state error.
(C) Lead compensator may increase the order of a system.
(D) Lag compensator always stabilizes an unstable system.
4. A tow-wire transmission line terminates in a television set. The VSWR measured on the line is 5.8. The percentage of power that is reflected from the television set is________.

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