XE-G GATE Exam Previous Papers | XE-G GATE Model Papers 2017

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XE-G GATE Exam Previous Papers 2017 | XE-G GATE Model Papers 2017

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GATE Food Technology Paper 2017 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 31

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Food Technology  Previous Paper 2017
1. Indicate the correct group that contains a monosaccharide, a disaccharide and a trisaccharide.
(A) Glucose, sucrose, mannose
(B) Ribose, lactose, raffinose
(C) Mannose, maltose, lactose
(D) Raffinose, stachyose, glucose
2. In which of the follwoing products, 'must' is used as the substracte for fermentation?
(A) Beer
(B) Wine
(C) Idli
(D) Tempeh
3. Identify the foodborne illness which is not caused by bacteria.
(A) Botulism
(B) Listeriosis
(C) Vibriosis
(D) Cysticercosis
4. Nutrient composition of wheat flour changes with extent of extraction from whole wheat grain. Which of the following statements is true if the extraction rate increased from 50% to 90%?
(A) Starch increases, protein increases, fat increases, mineral increases
(B) Starch decreases, protein increases, fat increases, mineral increases
(C) Starch decreases, protein increases, fat increases, mineral decreases
(D) Starch decreases, protein increases, fat decreases, mineral decreases
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