CE GATE Exam Previous Papers | CE GATE Model Papers 2015 SET 1

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SET 1-CE GATE Exam Previous Papers 2015 | CE GATE Model Papers 2015

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GATE Civil Engineering Previous Paper 2015 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 25
  • Q. 1 – Q. 25 carry one mark each
  • Q. 26 – Q. 55 carry two mark each

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Civil Engineering Previous Paper 2015

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE for the relation
between discharge velocity and seepage velocity?
(A) Seepage velocity is always smaller than discharge velocity
(B) Seepage velocity can never be smaller than discharge velocity
(C) Seepage velocity is equal to the discharge velocity
(D) No relation between seepage velocity and discharge velocity can be   established
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE for degree of disturbance of collected soil sample?
(A) Thinner the sampler wall, lower the degree of disturbance of collected soil   sample
(B) Thicker the sampler wall, lower the degree of disturbance of collected soil   sample
(C) Thickness of the sampler wall and the degree of disturbance of collected soil sample are unrelated
(D) The degree of disturbance of collected soil sample is proportional to the inner diameter of the sampling tube
3. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(A) Loose sand exhibits contractive behavior upon shearing
(B) Dense sand    when sheared under undrained condition, may lead to generation of negative pore pressure
(C) Black cotton soil exhibits expansive behavior
(D) Liquefaction is the phenomenon where cohesionless soil near the downstream side of dams or sheet-piles loses its shear strength due to high upward hydraulic gradient
4. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) concentration (mg/L as N) in domestic sewage is the sum of the concentrations of:
(A) organic and inorganic nitrogen in sewage
(B) organic nitrogen and nitrate in sewage
(C) organic nitrogen and ammonia in sewage
(D) ammonia and nitrate in sewage

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