CE GATE Exam Previous Papers | CE GATE Model Papers 2015 SET 2

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SET 2-CE GATE Exam Previous Papers 2015 | CE GATE Model Papers 2015

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GATE Civil Engineering Previous Paper 2015 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 25
  • Q. 1 – Q. 25 carry one mark each
  • Q. 26 – Q. 55 carry two mark each

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Civil Engineering Previous Paper 2015
1. A column of size 450 mm × 600 mm has unsupported length of 3.0 m and is     braced against side sway in both directions. According to IS 456: 2000, the       minimum eccentricities (in mm) with respect to major and minor principal           axes are:
(A) 20.0 and 20.0
(B) 26.0 and 21.0
(C) 26.0 and 20.0
(D) 21.0 and 15.0
2.Prying forces are:
(A) shearing forces on the bolts because of the joints
(B) tensile forces due to the flexibility of connected parts
(C) bending forces on the bolts because of the joints
(D) forces due the friction between connected parts
3.A steel member ‘M’ has reversal of stress due to live loads, whereas another    member ‘N’ has reversal of stress due to wind load. As per IS 800: 2007, the      maximum slenderness ratio permitted is:
(A) less for member ‘M’ than that of member ‘N’
(B) more for member ‘M’ than for member ‘N’
(C) same for both the members
(D) not specified in the Code
4. If the water content of a fully saturated soil mass is 100%, the void ratio of           the sample is:
(A) less than specific gravity of soil
(B) equal to specific gravity of soil
(C) greater than specific gravity of soil
(D) independent of specific gravity of soil

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