MA GATE Exam Previous Papers | MA GATE Model Papers 2017

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MA GATE Exam Previous Papers 2017 | MA GATE Model Papers 2017

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GATE Mathematics Previous Paper 2017 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 65

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Mathematics Previous Paper 2017
1. For a linear programming problem(LPP) and its dual,which one of the following is not true?
(A) The dual of the dual is primal
(B) If the primal LPP has an unbounded objective function,then the dual LPP is infeasible
(C) I f the primal LPP is infeasible,then the dual LPP must have unbounded objective function
(D) If the primal LPP has a finite optimal solution,then the dual LPP also has a finite optimal solution.
2. 1200 men and 500 women can build a bridge in 2 weeks. 900 men and 250 women will take 3 weeks to build the same bridge. How many men will be needed to build the bridge in one week?
(A) 3000
(B) 3300
(C) 3600
(D) 3900
3. The number of 3-digit numbers such that the digit 1 is never to the immediate right of 2 is
(A) 781
(B) 791
(C) 881
(D) 891

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