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MN GATE Exam Previous Papers 2015 | MN GATE Model Papers 2015
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GATE Mining Previous Paper 2015 Details
- Total number of Questions = 55
- Q. 1 – Q. 25 carry one mark each
- Q. 26 – Q. 55 carry two mark each
Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Mining Previous Paper 2015
1. Out of the support categories given for an underground coal mine, identify the ‘active support’.
(A) wire mesh
(B) shotcrete
(C) fully grouted roof bolt
(D) hydraulic prop
2. Massive sandstone in immediate roof delays the local fall in goaf of a coal mine. Under this condition, crushing of the pillars at outbye side is called
(A) coal bump
(B) overriding of pillars
(C) stiffening of pillars
(D) spalling of pillars
3. The excess pore pressure in backfill material in a cut-and-fill stope leads to
(A) reduction in strength of the wall rock
(B) enhancement of bearing strength of fill
(C) loss of shear resistance of fill
(D) prevention of progressive failure of crown pillar
4. The primary purpose of cut holes for blasting in an underground drivage is to
(A) provide additional free face
(B) have smooth surface after blasting
(C) prevent over-breakage
(D) reduce noise