MN GATE Exam Previous Papers | MN GATE Model Papers 2017

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MN GATE Exam Previous Papers 2017 | MN GATE Model Papers 2017

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GATE Mining Engineering Previous Paper 2017 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 65

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Mining Engineering Previous Paper 2017
1.If only two members form a truss joint and no external load or support reaction is applied to the joint,the members :
(A) have infinite force
(B) Have equal but opposite force
(C) are zero-force members
(D) Have unequal forces.
2.A multi-point borehole extensometer  is used to moniter :
(A) Convergence between the roof and the floor
(B) Strain between fixed points along a borehole
(C) Strain between the anchor point and the reference point on the surface
(D) Changing distances between fixed points along a borehole.
3.Lanes algorithm is applied to determine :
(A) Mill cut-off grade
(B) Mine production rate
(C) Operating cost
(D) Ultimate pit.

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