PH GATE Exam Previous Papers | PH GATE Model Papers 2016

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PH GATE Exam Previous Papers 2016 | PH GATE Model Papers 2016

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GATE Physics Previous Paper 2016 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 65

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Physics Previous Paper 2016
1. For a system at constant temperature and volume, which of the following statements is correct at equilibrium?
(A) The Helmholtz free energy attains a local minimum.
(B) The Helmholtz free energy attains a local maximum.
(C) The Gibbs free energy attains a local minimum.
(D) The Gibbs free energy attains a local maximu
2.  The scattering of particles by a potential can be analyzed by Born approximation. In particular, if the scattered wave is replaced by an appropriate plane wave, the corresponding Born approximation is known as the first Born approximation. Such an approximation is valid for
(A) large incident energies and weak scattering potentials.
(B) large incident energies and strong scattering potentials.
(C) small incident energies and weak scattering potentials.
(D) small incident energies and strong scattering potentials
3. A solid material is found to have a temperature independent magnetic susceptibility, . C 
of the following statements is correct?
(A) If C is positive, the material is a diamagnet.
(B) If C is positive, the material is a ferromagnet.
(C) If C is negative, the material could be a type I superconductor.
(D) If C is positive, the material could be a type I superconductor.
4. An alpha particle is accelerated in a cyclotron. It leaves the cyclotron with a kinetic energy of 16 MeV. The potential difference between the D electrodes is 50 kilovolts. The number of revolutions the alpha particle makes in its spiral path before it leaves the cyclotron is ______.

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