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TE-I Complete pdf notes(material 2)
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HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING,Highway development in India,Necessity for highway planning,Different road development plans,Classification of roads,Road network patterns .
HIGHWAY GEOMETRIC DESIGN,Pavement surface characteristics,Friction,Unevenness,Light reflection ,Drainage ,Camber ,Width of carriage way.
Traffic Engineering & Regulation,Traffic signs,Requirements of traffic control devices,The control device should fulfill a need,It should command attention from the road users.
INTERSETION DESIGNS,Advantages and disadvantages of rotary ,Guidelines for the selection of rotaries ,Traffic operations in a rotary ,Diverging,Merging,Design elements .
HIGHWAY MATERIAL, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE,Flexible pavements ,Types of Flexible Pavements,Typical layers of a flexible pavement ,Seal Coat,Tack Coat,Surface course.
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