XE-E GATE Exam Previous Papers | XE-E GATE Model Papers 2017

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XE-E GATE Exam Previous Papers 2017 | XE-E GATE Model Papers 2017

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GATE Thermodynamics Paper 2017 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 31

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Thermodynamics Previous Paper 2017
1. A thermal cycle receives 2000kJ of heat from a heat source at 1000 K. It rejects 300 kJ of heat to a heat sink at 300 K and also rejects 250 kJ of heat to another heat sink at 200 K during the cycle. The cycle is
(A) reversible
(B) irreversible
(C) impossible
(D) work absorbing
2. In a polytropic compression process, one kg of a ideal gas having a molecular weight of 40 kg/kmol is compressed from 100kPa, 300 K to 400 kPa, 360 K. The magnitude of the work in kJ for the process is
(A) 52.3
(B) 62.3
(C) 72.3
(D) 82.3
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