XE-H GATE Exam Previous Papers | XE-H GATE Model Papers 2017

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XE-H GATE Exam Previous Papers 2017 | XE-H GATE Model Papers 2017

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GATE Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Paper 2017 Details

  • Total number of Questions = 31

Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Previous Paper 2017
1. Rossby Number is the ratio of
(A) Coriolis Force to Inertial Force
(B) Inertial Force to Coriolis Force
(C) Gravitational Force to Coriolis Force
(D) Viscous Force to Inertial Force
2. A thin iceberg is observed to move southeastward in the Arctic Ocean. If the surface current is wind driven, the prevailing wind is
(A) Easterly
(B) Northerly
(C) Southerly
(D) Westerly
3. Equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves respectively propagate
(A) Westward and Eastward
(B) Eastward and Westward
(C) Westward and Westward
(D) Eastward and Eastward
4. Average surface temperatures of the Sum and the Earth are 6300 K and 285 K, respectively. The ratio of the wavelength of peak radiation of the Earth to that of the is_______________.
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