An adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s classic drama Little Women, Haq Se is the most recent drama of Ekta Kapoor’s web portal AltBalaji. The web series set in Kashmir stars Rajeev Khandelwal and Surveen Chawla ahead of the pack and passing by the as of late released trailer, it unquestionably will snatch many eyeballs. The account of the ‘heaven of India’ Kashmir has been exhibited by numerous, yet the Ken Ghosh directorial looks new and something which has not been caught sometime recently. As the trailer plays, we are acquainted with the tale of the Mirza family and the fantasies of its four sisters – Meher, Jannat, Bano, and Amal. Bano will seek after her profession in music. Amal who has a coy touch to her character will go to Mumbai and will wed a rich person. Jannat who acquaints her sisters wishes with being a world-well known writer and the last one, Meher, played by Surveen Chawla is a specialist and as indicated by Jannat will get hitched and have “two annoyingly perfect brats like her.” Together these four are each other’s greatest quality.
The other feature of the over two-minute trailer is Dr. Naushad Rizvi otherwise known as Rajeev Khandelwal who in the main look is by all accounts an egotistical man. His first gathering with Meher played by Surveen isn’t a charming one and we consider how the two will begin to look all starry-eyed at each other in the story and will get in agreement. Rajeev and Surveen have cooperated in Ekta’s TV appear, Kahiin Toh Hoga. The web series is fundamentally a romantic tale.In the trailer, we see the place of the Mirza family stripped due to a provocative blog, composed by Jannat, who tries to be a world-well known writer.
Haq Se, the web series helmed by Ken Ghosh, has been shot at immaculate areas of Himachal Pradesh and Manali which adds to the luxurious cinematography of the show. Likewise featuring Parul Gulati, Simone Singh, Rukhsar, Aanchal Sharma, Nikkesha Rangwala, Pavail Gulati and Karanvir Sharma, Haq Se will release on AltBalaji in February.