The greatest music launch occurred on Friday. The cast and group of Shankar’s massive venture 2.0, including Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar were in Dubai to uncover the film’s music. Made by AR Rahman, two of the tunes were performed inhabit Dubai’s Burj Park by the maestro himself. The third tune was additionally performed at the occasion, however, will be authoritatively propelled later. The film’s driving woman Amy Jackson set the phase ablaze with her moves for the tune “Endhira Logathu”, which is an adoration tune between two machines. Before making that big appearance, in a connection with the hosts, Shankar stated, “We (Rahman and I) had to work a lot on Enthiran’s Irumbile oru Idhayam song. Similarly, in 2.0 we have a love song between two machines and we have worked a lot for the same”.
Rahman stated, “Shankar is very passionate about what he does which is why he constantly pushes boundaries.” The tracks from the collection were likewise performed by Rahman and his group to animating here’s to you. Then the adversaries’ subject was presented by Akshay Kumar who influenced a stupendous section on the phase with the trademark to crow wings flanking him. When he was alluded to as Superstar, the on-screen character rushed to state that Rajinikanth is the Superstar. “He is super, he is the star and he will always be,” said Akshay, additionally expressing gratitude toward him for the chance to take a shot at such a perfect work of art venture.
It was truly a delight to watch the artist dance up in the sky. Daring and Dashing…Kuddos! #2point0audiolaunch #2Point0 #EmaarDubai
— 2.0 (@2Point0movie) October 27, 2017
Performance to the first song of #2Point0 by the amazingly talented @iamAmyJackson! #2Point0AudioLaunch #MyDubai
— 2.0 (@2Point0movie) October 27, 2017
Dance performance dedicated to our SUPERSTAR @superstarrajini… #2Point0AudioLaunch #MyDubai #2Point0
— 2.0 (@2Point0movie) October 27, 2017
#ActorDhanushfc Exclusive :@dhanushkraja At #2Point0AudioLaunch #2Point0 Dubai #VadaChennai Beard Look#Cute #Mass
— Dhanush Fc (@DhanushFc) October 28, 2017
The BEST of the best @arrahman & #Shivamani ready to rock the stage!!! 🎶#2point0AudioLaunch #ARRahman #MyDubai
— 2.0 (@2Point0movie) October 27, 2017
'Chikubuku chikubuku railey' entry… @arrahman @shankarshanmugh #2Point0AudioLaunch #2Point0
— 2.0 (@2Point0movie) October 27, 2017
A treat to the ears…A super magical performance by the Macedonian symphonic orchestra on #2point0 songs. 🎸🎹🎷🎺🎻🥁🎶#2Point0AudioLaunch
— 2.0 (@2Point0movie) October 27, 2017