The actor Salman Khan shared a photo from the Ali Abbas Zafar directorial declaring that he will wrap up the shoot of his forthcoming release. Alongside it, he likewise shared the look of Race 3, and it without a doubt will enable you to say farewell to your Monday blues. The one thing comprehend from both these photos is that the actor is by all accounts making the most of his new onscreen accomplice, and we don’t mean his driving women Katrina Kaif or Jacqueline Fernandez.
The creators of Race 3 authoritatively declared the whole cast of the film as of late. Aside from Salman, the film will star Jacqueline Fernandez and Bobby Deol. Hustling with three stars will likewise be Jai Ho popularity Daisy Shah, Freddy Daruwala and Saqib Saleem. The Tips movie is being coordinated by National honor winning choreographer-turned-executive Remo D’Souza and is bankrolled by Ramesh Taurani. Salman shared a photo of the cast and commended Ramesh Taurani. The actor stated, “Baki sab toh Theek Hai but look at how hot, cool, sweet, charming & sexy is rameshji looking in this Race 3 ke team pic mein.”
This is for the second time when Salman will share the screen space with Jacqueline. The two had set the screens ablaze in Kick, which discharged in 2014. The movie denotes Salman’s first cooperation with Remo, who has prior coordinated movies like ABCD and A Flying Jatt. Race 3 is planned for an Eid release in 2018. Then again, Tiger Zinda Hai will release on December 22 this year.
last day of tiger zinda Hai shoot n sharing with u 1st day of Race 3 ka pic in a bit …
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) November 13, 2017
…. and Race3 begins
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) November 13, 2017
Baki sab toh Theek Hai but look at how hot, cool, sweet, charming & sexy is rameshji looking in this Race 3 ke team pic mein .
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) November 10, 2017