Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering VTU Notes Pdf – HIE Vtu Pdf


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Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering VTU Notes Pdf – HIE Vtu Pdf

Please find the download links of Here you can download the Engineering Mathematics 1 VTU Notes PDF – M1 Notes of as per VTU Syllabus. Below we have list all the links as per the modules. are listed below:

Here you can download the Engineering Mathematics 1 VTU Notes PDF - M1 Notes of as per VTU Syllabus. Below we have list all the links as per the modules.

Link: Complete Notes



Link:Part-A Notes



INTRODUCTION & PRECIPITATION Introduction, Hydrologic cycle (Horton‘s representation). Water budget equation Precipitation: introduction, forms of precipitation, types of precipitation, measurement of precipitation (Simon‘s gauge & Syphon gauge only), selection of rain gauge station. Adequacy of rain gauges, methods of computing average rainfall, interpolation of missing data, adjustment of missing data by double mass curve method. Hyetograph and mass curve of rainfall.

Link:Unit – 1 Notes



Evaporation: Definition, factors affecting, measurement (Class A pan). Estimation using empirical methods (Meyer‘s and Rohwer‘s equation), Evaporation control. Evapo-transpiration- Definition, factors affecting, measurement, estimation (Blaney Criddle method) Infiltration – Definition, factors affecting, measurement (double ring infiltrometer), infiltration indices, Horton‘s equation of Infiltration.

Link:Unit – 2 Notes



HYDROGRAPHS Definition, components of hydrographs, unit hydrograph and its derivation from simple storm hydrograph, base flow separation, Prepositions of unit hydrograph- problems.

Link:Unit – 3 Notes


UNIT – 4

ESTIMATION OF FLOOD & FLOOD ROUTING Definition of flood, factors affecting flood, methods of estimation (envelope curves, empirical formulae, rational method ). Flood routing: Introduction to hydrological routing, relationship of out flow and storage, general storage equation, Muskingum routing method.

Link:Unit – 4 Notes



Link:Part-B Notes



Introduction, need for irrigation, advantages and disadvantages of irrigation, environmental impacts of irrigation, Systems of irrigation: Gravity irrigation, lift irrigation, well irrigation, tube well irrigation, infiltration galleries, sewage irrigation, supplemental irrigation.

Link:Unit – 5 Notes



SOIL-WATER-CROP RELATIONSHIP Introduction, soil profile, physical properties of soil, soil classification. Indian soils, functions of irrigation soils, maintaining soil fertility, soil-water-plant relationship, soil moisture constants. Irrigation relationship, frequency of irrigation.

Link:Unit – 6 Notes



WATER REQUIREMENT OF CROPS Introduction, definitions, crop seasons of India, water requirement of a crop, duty, delta, base period. Consumptive use. Irrigation efficiencies. Assessment of irrigation water. 07 hrs UNIT 8: CANALS Definition, Types of canals, Alignment of canals, Design of canals by Kenedy‘s and Lacey‘s methods- Problems.

Link:Unit – 7 Notes


UNIT – 8

CANALS Definition, Types of canals, Alignment of canals, Design of canals by Kenedy‘s and Lacey‘s methods- Problems.

Link:Unit – 8 Notes

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