Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) has released the class 6th result of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) 2019.Students who appeared for the exam can check their result through the official website or the direct links to check their results.
JNV Navodaya Result Class 6 2019 results were declared
The JNVST was conducted to admission to class 6th students in 660 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (Schools) across the country. The JNVST exam was conducted on April 6, 2019 across the various prescribed test centres in the country. JNVST is a multiple choice based questions held for a total of 100 marks for a duration of 2 hours. The students who appeared for the examination can check the results from any of the links mentioned below. The result of JNVST 2019 will contains a important details such as name, roll number, date of birth, name of the state of the candidates, date of the exam, category of the candidate, gender, district, area (urban/rural). Students can also check the JNVST 2019 results through the direct link given below.
Steps to check/How to check the Results of Navodaya class 6th result 2019
1. Go and visit the Navodaya results 2019 official website –
2. After visiting the official website thrn click on the JNVST class 6th results then you will visit the home page.
3. Now after visiting the home page enter the Registration number and other details.
4. Now click on the “Submit” button.
5. Your score will be displayed on the screen .In case the score will be not appeared then repeat the same process.
6.Take a print of the results score so,it is useful for the future purpose.
Student can check their results through the official websites or they can check their result through the direct link by entering the corresponding details.
official website: link