Diablo 4 Barbarian Basics

Diablo 4 Barbarian Basics
So it happened – Diablo 4 received its official release and all new players and longtime fans of the series of games about the dark struggle between representatives of various classes and demonic evil can rush to the game servers and start their journey in a new world, with updated graphics, but that’s all the same setting and spirit as the famous second part.
At the beginning of the game, it may not be easy to choose a game class, or deal with the pumping system.
If guides and a detailed description of each character help with the choice of a hero to pass, then the Skycoach service can help with pumping.
Skycoach is a professional service that provides leveling, training, game gold sales and helps all players to complete raids and world bosses, regardless of their rank and experience.
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The Skycoach service guarantees the anonymity of the transaction and the fulfillment of its obligations in order to prevent the gaming administration from interfering with the transaction and avoiding the receipt of gaming sanctions by the clients of the service.
Who is the barbarian in Diablo 4
The Barbarian is a versatile melee class that specializes in handling any type of weapon and is always in the thick of things, crushing enemies with his skills, which depend on the personal rage parameter.
This is one of the most dynamic and relatively easy heroes to master and upgrade. The barbarian can literally fight with any type of weapon that is in Diablo 4 and leveling it up through constant use – this makes it easy to survive the initial stage of development, when you have to get at least some kind of weapon to start stable leveling. If all the characters should eventually get a weapon suitable for their class to start growing, and someone is lucky right away, but someone is not, then the barbarian adjusts the circumstances for himself.
The barbarian is resource dependent – he quickly accumulates all the necessary rage parameters and begins to use attacking and enhancing skills with a vengeance until he uses up all the rage in battle and starts to accumulate it again, sacrificing damage. This means that the barbarian is strong as a unit that starts the fight, keeps the attention of enemies and has every chance of quickly ending the fight in his favor – if the monsters or other players manage to survive all this damage, then an easier one will come during the regeneration and accumulation of rage for them the phase is more difficult for the barbarian.
This is the most important and strong side of the barbarian – the ability to consistently handle any type of weapon, pumping it.
By constantly upgrading your weapons in combat, you can use their potential for different situations and even bypass physical defenses in the later stages of the game, when other classes have to come up with a game format so as not to be useless.
The main advantage for the barbarian in Diablo 4 is the ability to assign a different type of weapon to each skill to automatically switch to it by the system and return to standard weapons after the application is completed. This gives interesting options for builds and skills and adjusts the correctness of their use in specific scenarios.
Of the interesting mechanics, it is worth noting the experience that each type of weapon receives – it is accumulated by hitting the enemy, and not by killing him, which significantly speeds up the process of pumping weapons of all types and the barbarian himself as a whole.
Barbarian class skill categories in Diablo 4
Normal attacks – simple damage with the aim of accumulating rage parameters and using it to disperse your damage from temporary skills and attacking skills.
Key skills – use the accumulated rage and inflict increased damage while this bar is full. Such skills always form the basis of builds, regardless of the main weapon chosen for character development.
Defensive skills – skills that allow you to slow down opponents and prevent them from breaking the distance with the barbarian and abilities that help regenerate and restore health, allowing you to extend the duration of the battle and end it in your favor.
Combat skills are skills that do not require a rage bar to use and are needed to strengthen the barbarian and all allies with various effects that help in battle. Limited only by reload time.
Weapon proficiency is a feature of the barbarian in the ability to effectively use any weapon to fight enemies and monsters and the potential to pump it through blows.
Ultimate – special super-powerful skills that are the pinnacle of character leveling and you need to choose one ability, which will become the strongest hero booster.
Passive abilities of the Barbarian class in Diablo 4
The Barbarian has important passive abilities that reveal the character from the other side and provide nice bonuses for leveling and PVP, but you can only choose one of them:
- Unlimited – allows you to extend the duration of the Berserk skill and enhances the overall potential. This is a time-limited skill that greatly enhances the barbarian’s combat potential for a limited period of time at the expense of rage.
- Mobile arsenal – increases the attack power for all types of weapons by 10%, and when using three types of them by 15%. You need to strike with a quick switch of weapons, or set up builds to automatically change the arsenal when attacking with a certain method or weapon.
- Unbridled Rage is a passive skill that allows you to drastically increase all attacking skills and abilities at the expense of double the cost of resources for their use – meaning rage and the speed of its accumulation.
- Bleeding wounds – a passive ability to impose a bleeding effect on all enemies that you attack. All targets that die under this debuff will explode and deal 12% of their accumulated damage to all nearby enemies.
Barbarian talents can be categorized as:
- Fury generation rate and damage dealt. It will allow you to attack opponents faster and stronger and generate an accelerated rage parameter.
- Mobility – the character must be able to catch up with any target. All opponents with increased mobility and ranged damage can easily avoid the barbarian and destroy him at a distance, so it is important to catch up with any enemy, even while under the effect of a slow effect.
- Damage overclocking and the addition of the Berserk effect.
- Health regeneration rate during and out of combat. Partial and full restoration of health to continue the battle and save yourself from a critical situation.
Enemy control – slow down, hold in place.