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XL-H GATE Exam Previous Papers 2016 | XL-H GATE Model Papers 2016
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GATE Chemistry Previous Paper 2016 Details
- Total number of Questions = 30
Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Chemistry Previous Paper 2016
1. The total number of chair conformations possible for 1,2-dimethylcyclohexane is _____.
2. ‘A harmful substance persists in the environment for a very long period of time’. The UNACCEPTABLE statement for this fact is
(A) the substance degrades by second-order kinetics
(B) the substance degrades by first-order kinetics
(C) the substance is not biodegradable
(D) the substance has long half-life
3. Ferrous sulfate on reaction with potassium hexacyanochromate(III) produces a brick red complex. The number of unpaired electrons on Fe in the red complex is _________.