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XL-M GATE Exam Previous Papers 2016 | XL-M GATE Model Papers 2016
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GATE Chemistry Previous Paper 2016 Details
- Total number of Questions = 30
Few Question are listed below for preview: GATE Chemistry Previous Paper 2016
1. The grades of tea in the increasing order of their leaf size are ____, _____ and _____ .
(A) Souchang, pekoe and orange pekoe
(B) Pekoe, souchang and orange pekoe
(C) Orange pekoe, souchang, and pekoe
(D) Orange pekoe, pekoe, and souchang
2. The rate of cream separation in a disc bowl centrifuge can be increased by ______ .
(A) Increasing the size of the bowl
(B) Lower viscosity of fluid
(C) Increasing RPM of the bowl
(D) All of these
3. Rigor mortis is caused due to __________ .
(A) Unavailability of ATP which is necessary to break the link between actin and myosin
(B) Rupturing of tissue due to unavailability of oxygen
(C) Decrease in body temperature
(D) Breakage of rigid protein molecules in sarcoplasm
4. a) Assertion: Acidulates are added in soft drinks to provide a buffering action. r) Reason: Buffers tend to prevent changes in pH and prevent excessive tartness. Choose the correct answer from the following
(A) Both a) and r) are true but r) is not the correct reason
(B) Both a) and r) are true and r) is the correct reason for a)
(C) a) is true but r) is false
(D) Both a) and r) are false