English artist Ed Sheeran landed in Mumbai on Friday night. The Grammy-winning craftsman is booked to perform in the city on Sunday, November 19. The 26-year-old was snapped at the Mumbai airplane terminal in a blue hoody and a top that secured his face. Ed is visiting with his most recent collection, Divide, and is good to go to perform at the Jio Gardens in Bandra Kurla Complex. More than 10,000 fans are required to go to the show. The tickets for the show were sold out within minutes.
Strangely, this is “Thinking Out Loud” artist’s second visit to India and he has flown in two days sooner to his gig as he needs to investigate Mumbai somewhat more. The “Photograph” vocalist has a gigantic fan following in India simply like whatever is left of the world. This is Sheeran’s second show in India. His initial show in India was kept down in 2015. As indicated by reports, the “Shape of You” crooner will be joined by an escort of 45 individuals and will be given an armada of 20 extravagance autos. Likewise, near 60 rooms will be reserved at a South Mumbai inn for them.
Ed’s hits incorporate tracks like “The A-Team”, “Shape of You”, “Thinking Out Loud”, “Photograph”, “Tenerife Sea”, among numerous others. Taken after by Plus and Multiply, Divide is Ed Sheeran’s third collection.
#WATCH British Singer Ed Sheeran arrives in Mumbai. He would be performing in the city on November 19 pic.twitter.com/RDdHeBVLKB
— ANI (@ANI) November 17, 2017