Sai Pallavi, the rising star of South Film Industry, has snatched yet another biggie into her kitty. Sai Pallavi was born 9 May 1992 is an Indian film actress who works in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu films. The on-screen actress who rose to notoriety with Premam won the hearts of Telugu gatherings of people in Fidaa and she is again set to charm us with a bilingual film nearby Tamil star performing artist Dhanush K Raja.
Sai Pallavi to star with Dhanush
As the creators of super hit Kollywood film Maari are adapting to make a continuation of it with Dhanush, they have focused in on the actress to assume the female part and it will be a Tamil-Telugu bilingual flick – i.e it will be shot all the while in both the dialects. Performing artist Dhanush’s home pennant Wunderbar Films will reveal this venture while Balaji Mohan who made section 1 will rudder the second part too.
While Kajal was the female lead to some degree 1, youthful and sprouting star Sai Pallavi snatched her place this time. Malayalam performer Tonivo Thomas will be viewed as an adversary of the film and Anirudh Ravichander has gone ahead board to score music.
This advancement unquestionably leaves the fanatics of Sai Pallavi in ‘wanting-for-more’ mode.