Do you also worry about how to get taller after 18? Is increasing your height a difficult task? No, it is not. Height depends upon various factors including your genes, environment, hormones and diet. Increasing height by fighting against these factors is hard, but not impossible. If you stay determined towards your goal and nothing is impossible.
Exercise is your best buddy for increasing your height faster. Regular exercise with a good intake of protein works wonders for increasing your height.

Tips to get taller with exercise?
Here are a few exercises that can help you in increasing your height and get taller faster:
1. Hanging – Hang your body with the support of your hands, it will help you to stretch your muscles. Hanging is an incredibly fun exercise to increase height. To make it more effective, do few pull-ups. Steps to follow:
* Hold on to the bar.
* Straighten your arms and spine.
* Stay in the position for 30 seconds.
* Repeat the same thrice a day.

2. Surya Namaskar – Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a renowned yoga asana/exercise which consists of 12 different yoga asanas or poses. Each asana stretches your legs, back and shoulders that help you to get taller.

3. Downward Facing Dog – The pose resembles the upside-down alphabet – V. This exercise helps you to strengthen your back and stretching your back muscles. Steps to follow:
* Stand and bend your body. Keep your hands at shoulder width apart.
* Push the floor forward with your hands and elongate your tailbone towards the ceiling.
* Feel a gentle stretch in the arms, shoulders, legs and spine.

4. Cobra Stretch – Yes, you guessed it right. Cobra snake inspired this pose. Steps to follow:
* Lie down on your stomach, facing downward to the floor.
* Keep your palms facing the floor and at shoulder width.
* Lift your head and feel a gentle stretch at our abdomen, back and hands.
* Hold the position for 30 seconds.

5. Standing Stretch – Stand straight with your legs at should width apart and remember to keep them joined. Bend forward and try to touch your toes. Don’t fold your knees, keep them straight always. Don’t cheat.

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6. Pelvic Shift – Do you ever notice the fault in your sitting posture? This exercise is one of the best exercises in increasing your height and sway the negative effects of your wrong posture. Steps to follow:
* Lie on the floor with straight shoulders.
* Stretch your arms out on both the sides with palms facing the earth.
* Bend your knees, draw them closer to your buttocks.
* Lift your pelvis.
* Hold the position for 30 seconds.

7. Skipping – Want to know how to get taller in a fun way? Skipping is your answer. The more times you skip, the more is the chances of getting your legs longer.

8. Cycling – Cycling is another fun and great way to grow taller. It is the best way to stretch your legs and gain a few more inches to your height.

9. Wake-up Stretch – Wake-up stretch is the easiest way to increase your height. Steps to follow:
* Stand straight. Stretch your both the hand up in the air. Stretch them as much as you can. Hold for 30 seconds. Relax your body. Repeat.
* Lie down on your back. Stretch your both arms and legs above in the sky. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds. Relax your body. Repeat.

10. Forward Spine Stretch – It targets your back, hamstrings, and abdominals. Step to do it:
* Sit straight with legs stretched forward.
* Spread your legs just a bit wider than your hips.
* Try to sit tall.
* Stretch your arms to reach to your heel It will engage your legs muscles.
* Form a C shape with your back by scooping out your low belly.

If you want to get taller, avoid caffeine, smoking and junk food. These don’t just are the barriers if you are wondering the answer of how to get taller, but also harms your body. Treat your body as a temple.
Some Frequently Asked Questions on How to Get Taller
- What foods help you grow taller faster?
Add milk, beans, chicken, almonds, leafy greens, yogurt, sweet potatoes and eggs to your regular diet and see the difference.
- Can milk make you taller?
Milk is an essential tool to increase your height but it is not the only answer for how to get taller.
Fellas, I hope I successfully have given you the answer of how to get taller. So now you know the natural and fun secret of how to get taller faster. Try these relaxing exercises at your place and say aloha to all your worries.