Envinromental Studies Imp Qusts (ES)


Envinromental Studies Imp Qusts (ES)

Envinromental Studies Imp Qusts (ES) pdf file

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Content –

1.Define Ecosystem? Write a note on Biotic and abiotic components of anecosystem?
2.Write a note on ecological pyramids and their significance?
3.Explain food chains with examples.
4.Explain food web with diagrams.
5.Write a short note on 1).cybernetics and 2).Homeostasis
6.Differentiate Bio-magnification and Bio-accumulation.
7.Explain about carbon and potassium cycle.
8.Explain about nitrogen and water cycle.

1.Advantages and disadvantages of mining?
2.Write a detailed account of renewable sources of energy.
3.Explain about soil degradation.
4.Write a note on landslides and their effects?
5.Explain about bio-fuels.
6.Write a short note on non-renewable sources of energy.
7.Explain the land use and land cover mapping by using RS and GIS.

1.Explain about levels of biodiversity
2.Explain about values of biodiversity.
3.Explain about threats to of biodiversity.
4.Explain about in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
5.Explain about Timber and non-timber forest products.

1.Write a note on sources, effects and control measures of air pollution.
2.Write a note on sources, effects and control measures of water pollution.
3.Write a note on sources, effects and control measures of automobilepollution.
4.Write a note on sources, effects and control measures of marine waterpollution.
5.Write a note on sources, effects and control measures of nuclear pollution.
6.Write a note on sources, effects and control measures of industrialpollution.
7.Write a note on sources, effects and control measures of noise pollution..


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