Electrical Machines 2 Pdf Notes – EM 2 Notes | Free Lecture Notes download


Here you can download the free lecture Notes of Electrical Machines 2 Pdf Notes – EM 2 Pdf Notes materials with multiple file links to download. The Electrical Machines 2 Notes Pdf – EM 2 Notes Pdf  book starts with the topics covering Single phase transformers, Performance Equivalent circuit, Testing of Single Phase Transformer and Auto transformer, Polyphase transformers, Polyphase induction motors, Rotor power input, Circle diagram-no load and blocked rotor tests-predetermination of performance, Speed control-change of frequency, Etc.

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Electrical Machines 2 Pdf Notes – EM 2 Pdf Notes

Electrical Machines 2 Pdf Notes – EM 2 Pdf Notes

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Note :- These notes are according to the R09 Syllabus book of JNTU.In R13 and R15,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in R13 and R15 syllabus. If you have any doubts please refer to the JNTU Syllabus Book.


Single Phase Transformers – Construction & Operation:Single phase transformers-types – constructional details-minimization of hystersis and eddy current losses-emf equation – operation on no load and on load – phasor diagrams


Single Phase Transformers – Performance Equivalent circuit – losses and efficiency-regulation. All day efficiency – effect of variations of frequency & supply voltage on iron losses.


Testing of Single Phase Transformer and Auto transformer:OC and SC tests – Sumpner’s test – predetermination of efficiency and regulation-separation of losses test-parallel operation with equal and unequal voltage ratios – auto transformers-equivalent circuit – comparison with two winding transformers.

Electrical Machines 2 Notes Pdf – EM 2 Notes Pdf


Polyphase Transformers:Polyphase transformers – Polyphase connections – Y/Y, Y/D, D/Y, D/D and open D, Third harmonics in phase voltages-three winding transformers-tertiary windings-determination of Zp, Zs and Zt transients in switching – off load and on load tap changing; Scott connection.


Polyphase Induction Motors:Polyphase induction motors-construction details of cage and wound rotor machines-production of a rotating magnetic field – principle of operation – rotor emf and rotor frequency – rotor reactance, rotor current and pf at standstill and during operation.


Characteristics of Induction Motors:Rotor power input, rotor copper loss and mechanical power developed and their inter relation-torque equation-deduction from torque equation – expressions for maximum torque and starting torque – torque slip characteristic – double cage and deep bar rotors – equivalent circuit – phasor diagram – crawling and cogging


Circle Diagram of Induction Motors:Circle diagram-no load and blocked rotor tests-predetermination of performance-methods of starting and starting current and torque calculations


Speed Control Methods:Speed control-change of frequency; change of poles and methods of consequent poles; cascade connection. injection of an emf into rotor circuit (qualitative treatment only)-induction generator-principle of operation.

Reference – Electrical Machines II Notes – EM II notes pdf – EM II pdf notes – EM II Pdf – EM II Notes

1. Performance and Design of AC Machines by MG.Say, BPB Publishers
2. Theory of Alternating Current Machinery- by Langsdorf, Tata McGraw-Hill Companies, 2nd edition.
3. Electric Machines –by I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari,Tata Mc Graw Hill, 7th Edition.2005
4. Electromechanics-II (transformers and induction motors) S. Kamakashaiah Hitech publishers.

Text books – Electrical Machines II Notes – EM II notes pdf – EM II pdf notes – EM II Pdf – EM II Notes

1. Electric machinery – A.E. Fitzgerald, C.Kingsley and S.Umans, Mc Graw Hill Companies, 5th edition
2. Electrical machines-PS Bhimbra, Khanna Publishers.

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