Advanced Financial Management Notes VTU | AFM Notes VTU


Here you can download the Advanced Financial Management Notes VTU (AFM Notes VTU) of as per VTU Syllabus. Below we have list all the links as per the modules.

Advanced Financial Management Notes VTU – AFM Notes VTU of Total Modules

Please find the download links of Advanced Financial Management Notes VTU | AFM Notes VTU are listed below:

Link: Complete Notes



Working capital management,Determination of level of current Assets Sources for financing working capital. Bank finance for working capital (No problems on estimation of working capital) Working capital financing: Short term financing of working capital, long term financing of working capital. Working capital leverages.

Link: Modules-1 



Cash Management,Forecasting cash flows – Cash budgets, long-term cash forecasting, monitoring collections and receivables, optimal cash balances – Baumol model, Miller-orr model, and stone model. Strategies for managing surplus fund.

Link: Modules-2 



Receivables Management,Credit management through credit policy variables, marginal analysis, and Credit evaluation: Numerical credit scoring and discriminate analysis. Control of accounts receivables, Factoring.

Link: Modules-3



Inventory Management,Determinations of inventory control levels: Ordering, reordering, danger level. EOQ model. Pricing of raw material. Monitoring and control of inventories, ABC Analysis.

Link: Modules-4



Capital structure decisions,capital structure & market value of a firm. Theories of capital structure – NI approach, NOI approach, Modigliani Miller approach, traditional approach. Arbitrage process in capital structure. Planning the capital structure: EBIT and EPS analysis. ROI & ROE analysis. Capital structure policy.

Link: Modules-5 



Dividend policy,Theories of dividend policy: relevance and irrelevance dividend decision. Walter‟s & Gordon‟s model, Modigliani & Miller approach. Dividend policies – stable dividend, stable payout and growth. Bonus shares and stock split corporate dividend behavior. Legal and procedural aspects of dividends Corporate Dividend Tax.

Link: Modules-6



Special issues in financial management,Corporate financial modelling Agency problem and consideration. Effect of inflation on Asset value, firm value, returns Financial planning – Basis of financial planning, sales forecast method, pro-forma P & L account method, pro-forma balance sheet method, determination of External ,Financing Requirement (EFR).

Link: Modules-7

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