AE Notes Pdf – Automobile Engineering JNTU Notes free download 2025
Here you can download the Free lecture Notes of Automobile Engineering pdf Notes (AE Notes pdf) latest study materials with multiple file links to download. AE- Automobile Engineering Notes book starts with the topics covering Introduction: Components of four-wheeler automobile – chassis and body – power unit – power transmission – rear-wheel drive, front-wheel drive, 4-wheel drive – types of automobile engines, engine construction, turbo charging, and supercharging, etc.
Automobile Engineering Notes pdf – AE pdf notes – AE notes pdf file to download are listed below please check it
Automobile Engineering Pdf Notes – AE Notes Pdf File
Automobile Engineering (AE) is an integral field of study that focuses on the design, development, manufacturing, and operation of vehicles. The following notes provide a comprehensive overview of various aspects of automobile engineering, ideal for B.Tech students.
Automobile Engineering Notes Pdf | B.Tech Notes 2024
Automobile Engineering (AE) is a branch of engineering that deals with designing, manufacturing, and operating automobiles. These notes provide detailed information on the components, systems, and mechanisms involved in the functioning of automobiles.
Overview AE Notes Pdf
The following topics are covered in the Automobile Engineering handwritten notes:

Module 1: Introduction to Automobile Engineering
- Components of a four-wheeler automobile
- Chassis and body
- Power unit and power transmission
- Rear-wheel drive, front-wheel drive, and four-wheel drive
- Types of automobile engines
- Engine construction
- Turbocharging and supercharging
- Engine lubrication systems: splash and pressure lubrication
- Oil filters and oil pumps
- Crankcase ventilation
- Engine service: reboring, decarbonization, nitriding of crankshaft
Module 2: Fuel Systems
- S.I. Engine fuel supply systems: mechanical and electrical fuel pumps, filters, and carburetors
- C.I. Engine fuel injection systems: requirements, types, fuel pumps, nozzles, spray formation, injection timing
- Testing of fuel pumps
Module 3: Cooling Systems
- Cooling requirements: air cooling, liquid cooling, thermo, water, and forced circulation systems
- Radiators: types, cooling fan, water pump, thermostat
- Evaporative cooling, pressure sealed cooling, antifreeze solutions
- Ignition systems: battery ignition, magneto coil ignition, electronic ignition systems
Module 4: Emission and Pollution Control
- Emission standards: national and international
- Pollution control techniques
- Multipoint fuel injection for SI engines
- Common rail diesel injection
- Energy alternatives: solar, photovoltaic, hydrogen, biomass, alcohols, LPG, CNG, electrical fuels
Module 5: Electrical Systems
- Charging circuit: generator, current-voltage regulator
- Starting systems: Bendix drive mechanism, solenoid switch
- Lighting systems, horn, wiper, fuel gauge, oil pressure gauge, engine temperature indicator
Module 6: Transmission Systems
- Clutches: principle, types, cone clutch, single plate clutch, multi-plate clutch, magnetic and centrifugal clutches, fluid flywheel
- Gearboxes: types, sliding mesh, constant mesh, synchromesh, epicyclic gearboxes, overdrive torque converter
- Propeller shaft: Hotchkiss drive, torque tube drive, universal joint, differential rear axles
Module 7: Suspension and Braking Systems
- Suspension systems: rigid axle, torsion bar, shock absorber, independent suspension systems
- Braking systems: mechanical brake, hydraulic brake, master cylinder, wheel cylinder, pneumatic and vacuum brakes
Module 8: Steering Systems
- Steering geometry: camber, caster, kingpin rake, combined angle toe-in, center point steering
- Steering mechanisms: Ackerman, Davis
- Steering gears: types, steering linkages
Links to Download AE Notes Pdf
You can download the complete notes or individual modules from the following links:
Complete Notes
AE Complete Notes
Module 1 – Automobile Engineering Notes
AE Module 1 Notes
Module 2 – Automobile Engineering Notes
AE Module 2 Notes
Module 3 – Automobile Engineering Notes
AE Module 3 NotesÂ
Benefits of Free AE Handwritten Notes Pdf
- Comprehensive coverage of all essential topics
- Easy to understand explanations and diagrams
- Ideal for exam preparation and quick revisions
- Free access to high-quality study materials

Q1: Where can I download the Automobile Engineering Notes Pdf? You can download the notes from the provided links for each unit or the complete set from Smartzworld.
Q2: How to download the AE Notes Pdf? Click on the provided links to download the notes directly to your device.
Q3: How many modules are covered in AE Pdf Notes? There are eight modules covered in the AE Notes Pdf.
Q4: Topics Covered in AE Notes Pdf? The notes cover topics such as engine components, fuel systems, cooling systems, emission control, electrical systems, transmission systems, suspension and braking systems, and steering systems.
Q5: Where can I get the complete AE Handwritten Notes pdf FREE Download? You can download the complete AE handwritten notes pdf for free from Smartzworld.
Q6: How to download AE Handwritten Notes pdf? Follow the links provided in the document to download the handwritten notes.
Q7: How to Download FREE AE PDF Notes? Simply click on the download links provided to get the AE notes pdf for free.
- Automotive Engineering / Newton Steeds & Garrett
- Automotive Mechanics / G.B.S. Narang
- Automotive Mechanics / Heitner
- Automotive Engines / Srinivasan
- Automobile Engineering – K.K. Ramalingam / Scitech Publications (India) PVT. LTD.
- Automotive Mechanics – Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 / Kripal Singh
- Automobile Engineering / William Crouse
Note :- These notes are according to the r09 Syllabus book of JNTUH.In R13 & R15, 8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in r13 syllabus. Click here to check all the JNTU Syllabus books