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Adhoc and Sensor Networks Notes pdf - ASN notes pdf file
Adhoc and Sensor Networks Notes pdf – ASN notes pdf file

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Adhoc and Sensor Networks (ASN) are a cornerstone in modern wireless communication technology. These networks allow devices to communicate without a fixed infrastructure, making them essential for various applications, from military operations to environmental monitoring. In this article, we provide comprehensive notes on Adhoc and Sensor Networks, available for free download in PDF format.

Adhoc and Sensor Networks Notes Pdf

Overview of the PDF Notes

Our PDF notes on Adhoc and Sensor Networks cover all the essential topics you need to master this subject. These notes are designed according to the R09 syllabus book of JNTU. The notes are divided into multiple units, making it easier for students to follow and understand the material.

Availability and Accessibility

The notes are available through multiple file links for each unit, as well as a complete set. This ensures that you can easily access the specific sections you need or download the entire set for comprehensive study.

Topics covered in Adhoc and Sensor Networks Pdf Notes

UNIT I – Introduction to Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

Characteristics of MANETs

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are self-configuring networks of mobile devices connected without any fixed infrastructure. These networks are dynamic and can change rapidly as nodes move.

Applications of MANETs

MANETs are used in various fields such as military communications, disaster recovery, and vehicular networks. Their ability to operate independently of a central infrastructure makes them ideal for situations where traditional networks are unavailable.


The primary challenges in MANETs include dynamic topology, limited bandwidth, and energy constraints. Developing efficient routing protocols and ensuring security are critical issues that need to be addressed.

UNIT II – Routing in MANETs

Topology-Based Approaches

Topology-based routing protocols use the network topology information to route packets. Examples include proactive protocols like OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) and reactive protocols like AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector).

Position-Based Approaches

Position-based routing protocols use the geographical position of nodes to make routing decisions. This approach is advantageous in scenarios where node locations are known and can be used to enhance routing efficiency.

Other Routing Protocols

Other notable routing protocols include hybrid protocols like ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol) that combine the features of both proactive and reactive routing protocols.

UNIT III – Data Transmission in MANETs

The Broadcast Storm

The broadcast storm problem arises when multiple nodes attempt to transmit data simultaneously, leading to collisions and network congestion. Effective strategies are required to mitigate this issue.

Multicasting and Geocasting

Multicasting allows data transmission to a group of nodes, while geocasting targets nodes within a specific geographical area. These methods are essential for efficient data dissemination in MANETs.

TCP over Ad Hoc Networks

TCP, a reliable transport protocol, faces challenges in MANETs due to frequent topology changes and varying link qualities. Solutions like TCP-ELFN (Explicit Link Failure Notification) have been proposed to address these issues.

UNIT IV – Basics of Wireless Sensors and Applications

The Mica Mote

The Mica Mote is a popular wireless sensor node used in various research and commercial applications. It consists of a microcontroller, sensors, and communication modules.

Sensing and Communication Range

Wireless sensors have limited sensing and communication ranges, which must be considered when designing sensor networks.

Design Issues

Key design issues include power management, data aggregation, and fault tolerance. These factors significantly impact the performance and longevity of sensor networks.

Energy Consumption

Energy efficiency is crucial in sensor networks due to the limited battery life of sensor nodes. Techniques like duty cycling and energy harvesting are used to prolong network lifetime.

Clustering of Sensors

Clustering involves grouping sensor nodes to reduce communication overhead and enhance network scalability. Cluster heads coordinate communication within the cluster and relay data to the base station.


Wireless sensor networks are used in various applications, including environmental monitoring, healthcare, and smart cities. Their ability to provide real-time data makes them invaluable in these fields.

UNIT V – Data Retrieval in Sensor Networks

Classification of WSNs

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be classified based on their application, communication model, and network architecture. These classifications help in designing tailored solutions for specific use cases.

MAC Layer

The Medium Access Control (MAC) layer in WSNs manages how nodes access the communication medium. Protocols like SMAC (Sensor-MAC) are designed to minimize energy consumption and support scalability.

Routing Layer

The routing layer handles data transmission between nodes. Protocols like LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) are popular for their energy-efficient routing mechanisms.

High-Level Application Layer Support

The application layer provides high-level services like data aggregation, query processing, and event detection. These services are crucial for the effective utilization of WSNs.

Adapting to Dynamic Nature of WSNs

WSNs must adapt to changes in network topology and environmental conditions. Dynamic reconfiguration and self-healing mechanisms are essential for maintaining network performance.

UNIT VI – Security in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

Key Management

Effective key management is vital for ensuring secure communication in ad hoc networks. Techniques like public key infrastructure (PKI) and symmetric key distribution are commonly used.

Secure Routing

Secure routing protocols protect against various attacks, including spoofing and denial of service (DoS). Protocols like SAODV (Secure AODV) incorporate security measures to safeguard routing information.

Cooperation in MANETs

Cooperation among nodes is essential for network functionality. Mechanisms like reputation-based systems and incentive schemes encourage nodes to participate actively in network operations.

Intrusion Detection Systems

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) monitor network traffic for suspicious activities and potential threats. IDS techniques include anomaly detection and signature-based detection.

UNIT VII – Sensor Network Platforms and Tools

Sensor Network Hardware

Sensor network hardware includes various components like microcontrollers, sensors, and communication modules. The choice of hardware impacts the performance and capabilities of the network.

Sensor Network Programming Challenges

Programming sensor networks is challenging due to constraints like limited memory, processing power, and energy resources. Efficient coding practices and optimization techniques are essential.

Node-Level Software Platforms

Node-level software platforms like TinyOS provide essential functionalities for sensor networks. These platforms offer modular and reusable components, simplifying the development process.

UNIT VIII – Operating System – TinyOS

Imperative Language: nesC

nesC is an extension of the C programming language designed for networked embedded systems like sensor networks. It provides a modular approach to programming, enhancing code reuse and maintenance.

Dataflow Style Language: TinyGALS

TinyGALS (Tiny Generalized Assembly Language for Sensor Networks) is a dataflow style language that simplifies the development of sensor network applications by separating computation and communication.

Node-Level Simulators: ns-2 and TOSSIM

ns-2 and TOSSIM are popular simulators for evaluating sensor network protocols and applications. They provide detailed modeling of network behavior, enabling thorough performance analysis.

Adhoc and Sensor Networks Notes
Adhoc and Sensor Networks Notes
Adhoc and Sensor Networks Notes
Adhoc and Sensor Networks Notes

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Note:- These notes are according to the R09 Syllabus book of JNTU. In R13 and R15,8-units of R09 syllabus are

Note:- These notes are according to the R09 Syllabus book of JNTU.In R13 and R15, 8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in R13 and R15 syllabus. If you have any doubts please refer to the JNTU Syllabus Book.

Benefits of FREE ASN Handwritten Notes PDF

Downloading our ASN handwritten notes PDF provides several benefits:

  • Comprehensive coverage of all topics.
  • Easy-to-understand explanations.
  • Free access to quality study material.
  • Available in multiple units for targeted learning.

Reference Books for Adhoc and Sensor Networks

  1. Adhoc Wireless Networks – Architectures and Protocols by C.Siva Ram Murthy, B.S.Murthy, Pearson Education, 2004.
  2. Wireless Sensor Networks – Principles and Practice by Pei I-Hu, Xiaojun Cao, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010.
  3. Wireless Ad hoc Mobile Wireless Networks – Principles, Protocols, and Applications by Subir Kumar Sarkar, et al., Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008.
  4. Ad hoc Networking by Charles E.Perkins, Pearson Education, 2001.
  5. Wireless Ad hoc Networking by Shih-Lin Wu, Yu-Chee Tseng, Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
  6. Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks – Protocols, Performance, and Control by Jagannathan Sarangapani, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010.
  7. Security in Ad hoc and Sensor Networks by Raheem Beyah, et al., World Scientific Publications, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  8. Ad hoc Wireless Networks – A Communication-Theoretic Perspective by Ozan K.Tonguz, Gialuigi Ferrari, Wiley India, 2006.
  9. Wireless Sensor Networks – Signal Processing and Communications Perspectives by Ananthram Swami, et al., Wiley India, 2007.


Q1: Where can I download the Adhoc and Sensor Networks Notes Pdf? You can download the notes from the provided links for each unit or the complete set from Smartzworld.

Q2: How to download the ASN Notes Pdf? Simply click on the download links provided for each unit or the complete set.

Q3: How many modules are covered in ASN Notes Pdf? The notes cover eight modules as per the R09 syllabus book of JNTU.

Q4: Topics Covered in ASN Notes Pdf? The notes cover topics from the introduction to wireless networks to security and sensor network platforms.

Q5: Where can I get the complete ASN Handwritten Notes pdf FREE Download? You can download the complete handwritten notes for free from the provided links.

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