Cellular Mobile Communications Pdf Notes – CMC Notes | Free Lecture Notes download


Here you can download Cellular Mobile Communication Pdf Notes – CMC Pdf Notes with multiple file links to download. The Cellular Mobile Communication Notes Pdf (CMC Notes) book starts with the topics covering Limitations of conventional mobile telephone systems, Concept of frequency rettse,  Measurement of real time Co-Channel interference, Near end far end interference, Cell Coverage for Signal and traffic Signal reflections in tlat and hilly terrain, Cell Site and Mobile Antennas Sum and difference patterns and their synthesis, Frequency Management and Channel Assignment Numbering and grouping, Handoffs and Dropped Calls Handoff initiation etc.

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CMC Notes – CMC Pdf – cellular mobile communication pdf – cellular mobile communication notes – cellular mobile communication pdf free download

Cellular Mobile Communication Pdf – CMC Pdf

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Unit I : CMC Notes

Introduction To Cellular Mobile Radio Systems: Limitations of conventional mobile telephone systems. Basic Cellular Mobile System. First. second. third and fourth generation cellular wireless systems. Uniqueness of mobile radio environment-Long term fading. Factors influencing short term fading. Parameters of mobile multipath fading-Time dispersion parameters. Coherence bandwidth. Doppler spread and coherence time. Types of small scale fading.

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Unit II : CMC Notes

Fundamentals Of Cellular Radio System Design: Concept of frequency rettse. Co-channel interference. Co-channel Interference reduction factor. Desired C/I from a normal case in a omni directional antenna system. system capacity. Trunking and grade of service. Improving coverage and capacity in cellular systems- Cell splitting. Sectoring. Mictocell zone concept.

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Unit III : CMC Notes

Co-Channel Interference : Measurement of real time Co-Channel interference. Design of antenna system. Antenna parameters and their effects. Diversity techniques-Space diversity. Polarization diversity. Frequency diversity. Time diversity. .’

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Cellular Mobile Communication Notes – CMC Notes

Unit-IV : CMC Notes

Non-Co-Channel Interference l Adjacent channel interference. Near end far end interference. Cross talk. I Effects on coverage and interference by power decrease. Antenna height decrease. Effects of cell site components. UHF TV interference.

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Unit V : CMC Notes

Cell Coverage for Signal and traffic Signal reflections in tlat and hilly terrain. Effect of human made structures. Phase difference between direct and reflected paths. Constant standard deviation. Straight line path loss slope. General formula for mohile propagation over water and flat open area. Near and long distance propagation. Path loss from a point to point prediction model in different conditions. merits of Lee model .

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Unit Vl : CMC Notes

Cell Site and Mobile Antennas Sum and difference patterns and their synthesis. Coverage-omni directional antennas. Interference reduction— directional antennas for interference reduction. Space diversity antennas. Umbrella pattern antennas. and Minimum separation of cell site antennas. mobile antennas.

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Unit-VII : CMC Notes

Frequency Management and Channel Assignment Numbering and grouping. Setup access and Paging channels. Channel assignments to cell sites and mobile units. Channel sharing and Borrowing. Sectorization. Overlaid cells. Non fixed channel assignment.

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Unit-VIII : CMC Notes

Handoffs and Dropped Calls Handoff initiation, Types of handoffs. Delaying ltandoff. Advantages of handoff. Potter difference handoffs. Forced handoff. Mobile assisted and soft hancloff. lntersystem handoff. Introduction to dropped call rates and their evaluation.

Download CMC – Notes 8 here


TEXTBOOKS: Cellular Mobile Communication Pdf – CMC Pdf

1.Mobile Cellular Teiocommunications – W.C.Y. Lee. Mc Graw Hill. 2“ Edn.. I989.

2.Wireless Communications – Theodore. S. Rapport. Pearson education. 2″“ Edn..2002.

REFERENCES: Cellular Mobile Communication Pdf Free Download

  1. Principles of Mobile Communications — Gordon L. Stuber. Springer International. 2“ Edn.. 2Q0l.
  2. Modern Wireless Communications-Simon l-laykin. Michael .VIoher.Pearson Eduction. 2005.
  3. Wireless communications theory and techniques. Asrar U. H .Sheikh. Springer. 2004. ,
  4. Wireless Communications and Networking. Vijay Garg. Elsevier Publications. 2007.
  5. Wireless Communications -Andrea Goldsmith. Cambridge University Press.

Note :- These notes are according to the r09 Syllabus book of JNTUH.In R13 ,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in r13 syllabus.Click here to check all the JNTU Syllabus books 

Frequently asked questions

Q1: What is Radio access network (RAN)?

A1: Periphery of the cellular communications system is the Radio access network. Its a link to the user equipment from the cellular network. It comprises a number of elements and broadly includes the base station and its controller. With the advancing cellular communications technology, the terms used and exactly what they contain is changing, but their basic function remains essentially the same.

Radio access network

Q2: What is a Core network?

A2: Hub of the cellular communications system is called the core network. It manages the  storing user data, manages access control, links to the external world and provides a host of other functions managing the overall system.

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