Compiler Design Important Questions – CD Imp Qusts


Compiler Design Important Questions Pdf file – CD Imp Qusts

Please find the attached pdf file of Compiler Design Important Questions Bank – CD Imp Qusts

Link – CD Question Bank


  1. Define Complier briefly?
  2. Explain the cousins of compiler?
  3. Define the two main parts of compilation? What they perform?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file


  1. Define the term handle used in operator precedence?
  2. Define LR(0) items in bottom up parsing?
  3. State the disadvantages of operator precedence parsing?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file


  1. State the benefits of using machine-independent intermediate form?
  2. List the three kinds of intermediate representation?
  3. How can you generate three-address code?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file



  1. Explain the principle sources of optimization?
  2. Explain the patterns used for code optimization?
  3. Define the 3 areas of code optimization?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file


  1. Explain about machine dependent and machine independent optimization?
  2. Explain the role of code generator in a compiler?
  3. Write in detail the issues in the design of code generator?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file

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