Data Ware housing & Mining Imp Questions Pdf file – DWHM Imp Qusts


Data Ware housing & Mining Imp Questions Pdf file – DWHM Imp Qusts

Please find the attached pdf file of Data Communication Important Questions Bank – DWHM Imp Qusts

Link – DWHM Question Bank


  1. What is PHP?
  2. What is the difference between $name and $$name?
  3. What are the differences between Get and post methods?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file


  1. Define XML?
  2. What are the advantages of xml?
  3. Define an xml scheme show how an XML Scheme can be created?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file


  1. List out difference between web server and application server?
  2. Which HTTP method is non-idempotent?
  3. Explain difference between GET and POST method?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file


  1. What are the differences between custom JSP tags and Serlets?
  2. Explain the difference between JSP include directive and JSP include action?
  3. Explain about Scriptlet tag?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file


  1. Explain how to embed JavaScript code in an HTML document?
  2. Define arrays in JavaScript?
  3. List the differences between Client side JavaScript Server side JavaScript?

For more questions please download the above Pdf file

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