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GATE 2018 Syllabus | GATE Syllabus | GATE Exam Syllabus
Aspirants must know the how GATE 2018 Notification and GATE Exam marks are divided there will be 65 questions and 100 marks. In all the papers, general aptitude contains 15 marks for 10 questions and remaining marks for their respective subject. All the paper code are here AE, PH, PI, AG, AR, TF, BT, EE, CY, BT, CE, CH, EC, CS, EY, PE, MT, MN, GG, IN, MA, XE, XL. The Gate 2018 syllabus as follows by clicking on the subject you can download the respective subject.
Note: Engineering Mathematics (XE-A) is compulsory for all Engineering Sciences (XE) candidates and Chemistry (XL-P) is compulsory for all Engineering Life (XL) candidates
The pattern for this paper codes AE, AG, BT, CH, CE, CS, EC, EE, IN, MN, ME, MT, PI, PE, TF, and XE.
Engineering Mathematics contains around 15% of marks.
General Aptitude around 15% of marks and their respective subject contains 70% of marks.
The pattern for this paper codes AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, and XL.
General Aptitude around 15% of marks and their respective subject contains 85% of marks.