JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch Notes & Materials R13 & R15 Syllabus
Check out all the latest JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch Notes & Materials R13 & R15 according to the syllabus of R13 and R15. We have provided all the downloadable free study materials and lecture notes download links. All the Subject names are listed below along with the links – JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch Notes. In addition to this, we also recommend preferring both textbooks and study materials which will help you to understand the concepts easily without any difficulties. It seems like we’ve almost covered all the topics in our study materials, however, please do follow the syllabus copy when you are preparing for the exams.
Especially, try to give more preference to study lecture notes and textbook rather than using all in one’s.
We have listed out the Subjects and their links to download JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch Notes & Materials R13 & R15 in PDF files
Pulse and Digital Circuits (PDC)
Linear IC Applications
Control Systems Notes (CS)
Digital System Design & Digital IC Applications(Will Update Soon)
Antenna Wave Propagation Notes (AWP)
Other useful Link
JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch Notes & Materials R13 & R15 Syllabus
Looking for JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch Notes & Materials? You’re in the right place! We have compiled the latest JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch Notes & Materials according to the syllabus of R13 and R15 regulations. These notes are structured to help you understand the concepts easily and prepare effectively for exams.
In this article, we provide free downloadable study materials and PDF lecture notes for various subjects. While these resources are highly comprehensive, we recommend referring to both the lecture notes and textbooks to ensure you grasp every concept thoroughly. Below, we’ve listed all the subject names along with their corresponding download links for JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch Notes.
Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes Pdf

Pulse and Digital Circuits (PDC) Notes are essential for students looking to understand the basics of digital systems and their real-world applications. The subject focuses on various circuit designs, including linear and non-linear wave shaping circuits, multivibrators, and sampling gates.
Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes, PDF | PDC B Tech (2024)
In Pulse and Digital Circuits, you will learn about the fundamental concepts required to analyze and design digital circuits. The subject forms a foundation for future topics in electronics and communication engineering.
Pulse and Digital Circuits | PDF, Syllabus, Books | B Tech (2024)
Overview PDC Notes Pdf
Our Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes PDF covers all the units of the syllabus. These notes are structured to provide clear and concise explanations, derivations, and important points, making them easy to follow for exam preparation.
The following topics are covered in Pulse and Digital Circuits handwritten Notes:
- Linear and Non-linear Wave Shaping
- Clippers and Clampers
- Multivibrators
- Time Base Generators
- Sampling Gates and Logic Families
Links to download Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes Pdf:
Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download
You can access these notes for free and start preparing for your exams right away. They are organized unit-wise to make your study sessions smoother and more effective.
Topics Covered in this Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes Pdf:
- Introduction to Pulse and Digital Circuits
- Linear and Non-linear Wave Shaping Circuits
- Multivibrators
- Synchronization Techniques
- Sampling Gates
Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes Pdf from JNTUK
Our Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes PDF is crafted in line with the JNTUK R13 and R15 syllabus and is perfect for students of B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch.
Linear IC Applications Notes Pdf
Linear IC Applications Notes (LICA) are critical for understanding the working and applications of operational amplifiers and other IC components. This subject covers a wide range of topics, including amplifiers, waveform generators, and active filters.
Linear IC Applications Notes, PDF | LICA B Tech (2024)
The Linear IC Applications subject dives deep into operational amplifiers, their configurations, and applications in both analog and digital circuits. This is crucial for any electronics student aiming to understand the practical implementations of ICs.
Linear IC Applications | PDF, Syllabus, Books | B Tech (2024)
Overview LICA Notes Pdf
Our Linear IC Applications Notes PDF covers all essential units, including waveform generation and filtering techniques, which are important for circuit design.
The following topics are covered in Linear IC Applications handwritten Notes:
- Operational Amplifiers and Configurations
- Feedback Amplifiers
- Waveform Generators
- Comparators
- Active Filters
Links to download Linear IC Applications Notes Pdf:
Linear IC Applications Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download
These notes are available for free download and are structured in a way to provide a complete understanding of the operational amplifier applications in practical circuits.
Topics Covered in this Linear IC Applications Notes Pdf:
- Introduction to Operational Amplifiers
- Comparator and Schmitt Trigger
- Active Filters and Oscillators
- D/A and A/D Converters
- Voltage Regulators
Linear IC Applications Notes Pdf from JNTUK
The Linear IC Applications Notes PDF is tailored according to the JNTUK syllabus (R13 & R15) and is a valuable resource for students enrolled in B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch.
Control Systems Notes Pdf

Control Systems (CS) Notes cover the essential theories behind the design and analysis of control systems. This subject plays a critical role in understanding how systems are controlled in industrial, robotic, and communication applications.
Control Systems Notes, PDF | CS B Tech (2024)
The subject of Control Systems involves the study of various control strategies and feedback mechanisms that ensure the stability and performance of systems.
Control Systems | PDF, Syllabus, Books | B Tech (2024)
Overview CS Notes Pdf
Our Control Systems Notes PDF offers in-depth explanations on system modeling, feedback loops, and the stability of systems.
The following topics are covered in Control Systems handwritten Notes:
- Mathematical Models of Physical Systems
- Transfer Functions
- Stability and Root Locus Analysis
- Frequency Response Analysis
- PID Controllers
Links to download Control Systems Notes Pdf:
Control Systems Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download
The Control Systems Notes PDF is available for free download and covers all the important units as per the syllabus.
Topics Covered in this Control Systems Notes Pdf:
- System Modelling
- Transfer Function and Block Diagram
- Time Response Analysis
- Root Locus Techniques
- Bode Plots and Nyquist Plots
Control Systems Notes Pdf from JNTUK
The Control Systems Notes PDF aligns with the JNTUK syllabus (R13 & R15) and is curated specifically for B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch students.
Antenna Wave Propagation Notes Pdf

The Antenna Wave Propagation (AWP) Notes are designed to help students understand the principles of antenna design and the propagation of electromagnetic waves.
Antenna Wave Propagation Notes, PDF | AWP B Tech (2024)
The subject Antenna Wave Propagation delves into the theoretical and practical aspects of antenna design, wave propagation, and their applications in communication systems.
Antenna Wave Propagation | PDF, Syllabus, Books | B Tech (2024)
Overview AWP Notes Pdf
Our Antenna Wave Propagation Notes PDF covers all the topics related to antennas and their role in transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves.
The following topics are covered in Antenna Wave Propagation handwritten Notes:
- Radiation Pattern and Antenna Types
- Antenna Arrays
- Propagation of Radio Waves
- Ground Wave, Sky Wave, and Space Wave Propagation
- Microwave Antennas
Links to download Antenna Wave Propagation Notes Pdf:
Antenna Wave Propagation Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download
The Antenna Wave Propagation Notes are available for free download, covering all units and providing detailed explanations of complex concepts.
Topics Covered in this Antenna Wave Propagation Notes Pdf:
- Basic Antenna Parameters
- Arrays and Radiation Pattern
- Wave Propagation Mechanisms
- Radio Horizon and Link Budget Calculations
- Microwave and Satellite Antennas
Antenna Wave Propagation Notes Pdf from JNTUK
Our Antenna Wave Propagation Notes PDF follows the JNTUK R13 & R15 syllabus and is an excellent resource for students of B.Tech 3-1 Semester ECE Branch.
Q1. Where can I download the Pulse and Digital Circuits (PDC) Notes Pdf?
You can download the PDC Notes from the provided links or directly from Smartzworld.
Q2. How to download the Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes Pdf?
Click on the relevant subject links provided in this post to download the PDF.
Q3. How many modules are covered in Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes Pdf?
The notes cover all units as per the JNTUK syllabus.
Q4. Topics Covered in Pulse and Digital Circuits Notes Pdf?
Topics include linear and non-linear wave shaping, multivibrators, time base generators, and more.
Q5. Where can I get the complete Pulse and Digital Circuits Handwritten Notes pdf FREE Download?
You can download the complete set from Smartzworld using the provided link.
Q6. How to download Pulse and Digital Circuits Handwritten Notes pdf?
Click on the subject link for PDC to download the handwritten notes.
Password to download the PDF files is “smartzworld.com“
Please provide Digital ic applications notes