JNTUK Revised Time & Centre for B.Tech 2-2 Sem Reg/Sup Drawing Exam April 2016
Sub: – JNTUK –Examination Branch – Revised Time & Centre for II B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Drawing Examinations – Intimation – Regarding.
The Principals of all the affiliated colleges are hereby informed that the II B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Drawing Subjects Examinations Time & Centre is Changed due to lack of Engineering Drawing Boards on 26.04.2016, 03.05.2016 and 12.05.2016 to the following Branches and Subjects. All of the following Branch Students write the examinations on their own Respective colleges. The following Drawing Subjects examinations are rescheduled to the following time as given below.
Original scheduled time for examination : 02 PM TO 05 PM
Revised time for after Pre-ponement : 10 AM TO 1 PM