MPMC Notes Pdf – Microprocessor and Microcontroller JNTU Download Free Lecture Notes
Here you can download the free lecture Notes of Microprocessor and Microcontroller Pdf Notes – MPMC Notes Pdf materials with multiple file links to download Microprocessor and Microcontroller Notes Pdf – MPMC Pdf Notes book starts with the topicsĀ Ā instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction set, assembler directives,macros,overview of 8051 microcontroller,architecture, I/O ports, memory organisation.

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Microprocessor and Microcontroller Notes Pdf – MPMC Pdf Notes
8086 Architecture:
Introduction to 8085 microprocessor ,8086 architecture – functional diagram,register organisation,memory segmentation, programming model,memory addresses,physical memory organisation, architecture of 8086,signal descriptions of 8086 – common function signals, Minimum and maximum mode signals,timing diagrams , interrupts of 8086
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Instruction set and assembly language programming:
instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction set, assembler directives,macros,simple programs involving logical, branch and call instructions,sorting,evaluating arithmetic expressions,string manipulations.
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I/O interface:
8255 PPI, various modes of operation and interfacing to 8086, interfacing keyboard display,stepper motor interfacing , D/A and A/D converter.
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Interfacing with advanced devices:
memory interfacing to 8086,interrupt structure of 8086,vector interrupt table, interrupt service routine, introduction to DOS and BIOS interrupts,interfacing interrupt controller 8259 DMA controller 8257 to 8086.
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Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Notes Details
communication interface:
serial communication standards, serial data transfer schemes,8251 USART architecture and interfacing,RS-232, IEEE-488, Prototyping and trouble shooting.
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Introduction to microcontrollers:
overview of 8051 microcontroller,architecture, I/O ports, memory organisation, addressing modes and instruction set of 8051, simple programs.
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8051 real time control:
interrupts, timer/counter and serial communication,programming external hardware interrupts,programming the serial communication interrupts,programming 8051 timers and counters.
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the AVR RISC microcontroller architecture:
introduction , AVR family architecture, register file, the ALU, memory access and instruction execution, I/O memory ,EEPROM ,I/O ports, timers, UART, Interrupt structure.
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TEXT BOOKS:Ā Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Notes – MPMC Notes – MPMC Pdf Notes
1.DV Hall, Microprocessors and interfacing, TMGH,2nd ed 2006
2.Kenneth J Ayala, The 8051 microcontroller, 3rd ed, Cengage learning 2010
REFERENCES:Ā Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Notes – MPMC Notes – MPMC Pdf Notes
1.advanced microprocessors and peripherals- A .K Ray and K.M . Bhurchandani, TMH, 2nd ed,2006
2.the 8051 microcontrollers, architecture and programming and applications- K. Uma Rao,Andhe Pallavi,Pearson 2009
3.micro computer system 8086/8088 family architecture,programming and design,- by Liu and GA Gibson,PHI 2nd ed
4.microcontrollers and applications, Ajay V Deshmukh , TMGH,2005
5.the 8085 Microprocessor: Architecture ,programming and interfacing- K Uday Kumar,BS Umashankar,2008,pearson.
Note :- These notes are according to the r09 Syllabus book ofĀ JNTUH. In R13 ,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in r13Ā syllabus.Click here to check all the JNTU Syllabus booksĀ
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hello smarty
there r no notes of unit 1 to 5 of mpmc. they were there before .
ya sure we will upload them back
Hello smartzmail
The notes of unit 5 to 8 are like lecture notes . Unit 1 to 4 are not , it’s difficult to read those do u have lecture notes . Plz upload