
MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Lab Manual Pdf – MAD Lab manual pdf file

Please download the MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Lab Manual Pdf – MAD Lab manual pdf file in the below provided links.
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Lab manual experiment names

Week – 1: Installation of Java Wireless Toolkit (J2ME)

1) If the Java Development Kit (JDK) is not theory only having the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed, install the latest JDK from Current stable release of Java is JDK 6 Update 7 but check the web page in case there are newer non-beta releases available. 2) Next, download the Java Wireless Toolkit (formerly called J2ME Wireless Toolkit) from: 3) Run the installer (for example, for Windows it is: sun_java_wireless_toolkit- 2_5_2- windows.exe). The installer checks whether a compatible Java environment has been preinstalled. If not, it is necessary to uninstall old versions of Java and perform Step 1 again. Once after successful installation of Java and the tool kit compile this program and run the following program in the toolkit.

Week – 2 Working with J2ME Features:

Working with J2ME Features: Say, creating a Hello World program Experiment with the most basic features and mobile application interaction concepts (lists, text boxes, buttons, radio boxes, soft buttons, graphics, etc)

Week – 3 Threads & High Level UI:

3.1. Create a slide show which has three slides, which includes only text. Program should change to the new slide after 5 seconds. After the third slide program returns to the first slide.

Week – 4 Working on Drawing and Images

4.1 Create a slide show which has three slides, which includes pictures at PNG format. Program should change to the new slide other 5 seconds.

Week – 5 Developing Networked Applications using the Wireless Toolkit

Week – 6 Authentication with a Web Server

Week – 7 & 8 Web Application using J2ME

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