Here you can download the free lecture Notes of Probability and Statistics Pdf Notes – PS Notes Pdf materials with multiple file links to download. Probability and Statistics Notes Pdf – PS Pdf Notes book starts with the topics Binomial and poison distributions & Normal distribution related properties. Sampling distributions Distribution – sampling distributions of means, Sample space and events Probability The axioms of probability

The Probability and Statistics Notes Pdf- PS Notes Pdf
Probability and Statistics Book
P&S Complete Notes
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PS Question Bank
Link – PS Question Bank
Probability and Statistics Notes Pdf – PS Pdf Notes
Sample space and events Probability The axioms of probability – Some Elementary theorems – Conditional probability Baye’s theorem. Random variables discrete and continuous.
Binomial and poison distributions & Normal distribution related properties. Sampling distributions Distribution – sampling distributions of means ( σ known and unknown)
Test of Hypothesis I :
Tests of hypothesis point estimations interval estimations Bayesian estimation. Large samples, null hypothesis- alternate hypothesis type I, & type II errors- critical region confidential interval for mean testing of single variance. Difference between the mean.
Test of Hypothesis II:
confidential interval for the proportions. Tests of hypothesis for the proportions single and difference between the proportions.
Small samples:
Confidence interval for the t-distribution- tests of hypothesis t distributions, F-distributions,(Χ 2) distribution. Test of hypothesis-;
Probability and Statistics Details
Correlation & regression:
coefficient of correlation- regression coefficient- the lines of regression the rank correlation.
Queuing Theory: Arrival theorem- Pure Birth and Death Process M/M/1 Model
Stochastic Processes:
Introduction to stochastic processes- markov process classification of states- examples of markov chains, stochastic matrix , limiting probabilities.
Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes Pdf | JNTUH B.Tech Notes 2025
If you’re searching for Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes Pdf based on the JNTUH B.Tech 2025 syllabus, you’ve come to the right place! We offer comprehensive PS Notes Pdf that cover all essential topics, including probability distributions, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and stochastic processes. You can download the PS Notes Pdf for free and use these materials for effective exam preparation and assignments.
Probability and Statistics Pdf Lecture Notes – JNTUH 2025

Our Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes Pdf follow the JNTUH 2025 syllabus, providing a detailed understanding of the subject. These notes include key concepts such as binomial and Poisson distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation, regression, and more. Whether you’re preparing for exams or working on projects, these notes will help you gain a solid understanding of probability and statistical analysis.
Probability and Statistics Notes, PDF | PS B.Tech (2025)
Probability and Statistics (PS) is a fundamental subject for engineering students, covering essential topics in probability theory, statistical analysis, and stochastic processes. This subject is crucial for solving real-world engineering problems involving uncertainty and data analysis. Our PS Notes Pdf offer a comprehensive breakdown of key concepts, ensuring that students can easily understand and apply them in their studies.
Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes Pdf Overview
The Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes Pdf are structured according to the JNTUH 2025 syllabus and cover all the major topics required for the subject. These notes are ideal for students preparing for exams, as they provide clear explanations, mathematical proofs, and practical examples of probability and statistical concepts.
Topics Covered in Probability and Statistics (PS) Handwritten Notes
The following topics are thoroughly explained in the Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes:
- Probability: Sample space, events, axioms of probability, conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem, random variables (discrete and continuous).
- Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions, sampling distributions of means, and related properties.
- Hypothesis Testing I: Point and interval estimations, Bayesian estimation, null and alternative hypotheses, type I and II errors, testing of means and variance.
- Hypothesis Testing II: Hypothesis testing for proportions, single and difference between proportions, and confidence intervals.
- Small Sample Tests: T-distribution, F-distribution, chi-square distribution, and hypothesis testing.
- Correlation and Regression: Coefficient of correlation, regression coefficients, lines of regression, and rank correlation.
- Queuing Theory: Arrival theorem, pure birth and death processes, M/M/1 model.
- Stochastic Processes: Introduction to stochastic processes, Markov processes, state classifications, Markov chains, and limiting probabilities.
Links to Download Probability and Statistics Notes Pdf
Below are the download links for Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes Pdf based on the JNTUH 2024 syllabus:
- Complete PS Notes Pdf
- Unit 1 – Probability
- Unit 2 – Distributions
- Unit 3 – Test of Hypothesis I
- Unit 4 – Test of Hypothesis II
- Unit 5 – Small Sample Tests
- Unit 6 – Correlation & Regression
- Unit 7 – Queuing Theory
- Unit 8 – Stochastic Processes
Probability and Statistics Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download
Our Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes Pdf is available for free download, giving students access to well-structured and detailed study material. These notes cover all units according to the JNTUH 2025 syllabus, ensuring you have the knowledge you need to excel in your exams. With a focus on key mathematical concepts and practical applications, these notes are ideal for students looking to deepen their understanding of probability and statistics.
Topics Covered in this Probability and Statistics Notes Pdf
Here’s a detailed list of topics covered in the PS Notes Pdf:
- Unit 1: Introduction to probability, sample space, axioms of probability, conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem, and random variables.
- Unit 2: Binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions, sampling distributions, and their properties.
- Unit 3: Hypothesis testing, point and interval estimation, large sample tests, null and alternative hypotheses, and confidence intervals for means.
- Unit 4: Testing of proportions, confidence intervals for proportions, and tests for differences between proportions.
- Unit 5: Small sample tests including t-distribution, F-distribution, and chi-square distribution.
- Unit 6: Correlation and regression analysis, rank correlation, and lines of regression.
- Unit 7: Queuing theory, arrival and departure processes, and M/M/1 models.
- Unit 8: Stochastic processes, Markov processes, state classification, examples of Markov chains, and stochastic matrices.
Probability and Statistics Notes Pdf from JNTUH
These Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes Pdf are prepared according to the JNTUH 2025 syllabus, ensuring they are accurate and relevant for B.Tech students. The notes provide a comprehensive overview of the subject, making them perfect for both classroom learning and self-study.
Always Choose Smartzworld to Download Probability and Statistics Notes PDF
For easy access to study materials like Probability and Statistics Notes Pdf, always choose Smartzworld. We provide high-quality, well-organized notes that are easy to download. By choosing Smartzworld, you get reliable study resources to help you excel in your academic journey.
Benefits of FREE Probability and Statistics Handwritten Notes PDF
- Comprehensive Content: The notes cover all essential topics in Probability and Statistics (PS) as per the JNTUH 2024 syllabus, ensuring thorough preparation.
- Free Download: These handwritten notes are available for free, making quality study material accessible to all students.
- Updated Syllabus: Our notes follow the latest JNTUH syllabus, ensuring relevance and up-to-date information.
- Exam-Ready: These notes are organized to help you revise efficiently before exams, making sure you cover all important topics.
FAQs About Probability and Statistics Notes Pdf
Q1. Where can I download the Probability and Statistics Notes Pdf?
You can download the notes from the provided links for each unit or the complete set from Smartzworld.
Q2. How to download the PS Notes Pdf?
Click on the provided links for each unit or download the complete set and follow the instructions.
Q3. How many modules are covered in PS Notes Pdf?
There are 8 units covered in the PS Notes Pdf, each focusing on different aspects of Probability and Statistics.
Q4. What topics are covered in the PS Notes Pdf?
The PS Notes Pdf covers topics such as probability theory, statistical distributions, hypothesis testing, correlation, regression, queuing theory, and stochastic processes.
Q5. Where can I get the complete PS Handwritten Notes pdf FREE Download?
You can download the complete Probability and Statistics Handwritten Notes Pdf from the links provided above.
Q6. How to download PS Handwritten Notes pdf?
Follow the links provided to download the PS Handwritten Notes Pdf for free.
Q7. How to Download FREE PS Notes PDF?
To download the PS Notes Pdf, simply click on the respective unit or the complete set download link to access the notes for free.
By downloading these Probability and Statistics (PS) Notes Pdf, you’ll have all the resources necessary to excel in your JNTUH B.Tech 2025 course. These notes offer a clear and comprehensive understanding of key concepts in Probability and Statistics, ensuring you are well-prepared for both theoretical and practical assessments.
Text Books:
- Probability & Statistics, D. K. Murugeson & P. Guru Swamy, Anuradha Publishers
- Probability & Statistics for engineers by g.s.s.bhima rao, scitech publications.
- Probability & Statistics, T. K. V. Iyengar, B. Krishna Gandhi and Others S. Chand & Company.
- Probability & Statistics, by William mendenhall & others cengage pub.
- Higher engineering mathematics by b s grewal m khanna pub.
- Higher engineering mathematics by jain and iyengar , narasa publications
- A first course in probability & statistics by BLS Prakasa rao. World scientific.
- Probability & Statistics for Engineers, Miller and John E. Freund, Prentice Hall of India
Note :- These notes are according to the r09 Syllabus book of JNTUH.In R13 ,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in r13 syllabus.Click here to check all the JNTU Syllabus booksÂ
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