Yoast Co-Founder Proposes WordPress Contributor Board for Greater Transparency

Joost de Valk, co-founder of the popular Yoast SEO plugin, has proposed the creation of a WordPress Contributor Board to ensure more equitable contributions, greater financial transparency, and better representation for the WordPress community. In a recent article, de Valk called for a system that encourages larger WordPress companies to contribute proportionately to the open-source platform, with an advisory board that would represent both individual contributors and companies.
Supporting Matt Mullenweg’s Call for Contributions
In his article, de Valk voiced his support for Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg, who recently suggested that large hosting companies like WP Engine should contribute more to WordPress. While praising Mullenweg and Automattic for their contributions to the platform, de Valk contrasted their efforts with companies that benefit greatly from WordPress but do not contribute in proportion to their financial gains.
“I agree with Matt about his opinion that a big hosting company such as WPEngine should contribute more. It is the right thing to do,” de Valk wrote, adding that his own company, Yoast, has contributed significantly to the Gutenberg Project, sometimes at the expense of their own profitability.
A Call for a Contributor Board
De Valk suggested the formation of a board to represent stakeholders, with the aim of fostering a sustainable open-source ecosystem that is transparent and inclusive. His vision includes a board that could help guide WordPress’s future, while also encouraging companies to reinvest in the platform that drives their success.
This idea stems from his own experience of balancing community contributions with personal business growth. During a 2013 WordCamp presentation, de Valk shared how he spent years contributing to WordPress before his business took off. At one point, he was supporting his passion for WordPress through a day job, which pushed him to consider how he could succeed while still contributing to the community.
De Valk credits his wife for framing the situation using the concept of the “Tragedy of the Commons.” This concept highlights the risk of individuals acting in self-interest, which could ultimately deplete a shared resource like WordPress. De Valk emphasized the importance of contributing to the “commons” to create a self-sustaining system that benefits everyone. “Reinvest some of that profit into all of our main pasture, WordPress. We all benefit,” he said in 2013.
A New WordPress Foundation Board
De Valk’s proposal envisions a board that represents contributors, rather than a governing body with decision-making authority. He likened it to “taxation with representation,” suggesting that those who contribute should have a voice in discussions about the platform’s future. This advisory board would not hold power but would engage in a dialogue with decision-makers.
“I think this could actually help Matt, as I do understand that it’s very lonely at the top,” de Valk wrote. He also highlighted the need for transparent discussions about WordPress’s future and the importance of acknowledging companies that contribute.
Three Key Principles
De Valk outlined three key points for his proposed board:
- Representation of Stakeholders:
“We all should get a say in how we spend those contributions. Core contributors are important, but so are event organizers, hosting company leaders, and others who play key roles in the WordPress community.” - Facilitation of Transparent Discussions:
“Matt should remain project leader, but we should have more transparent discussions with a board about the roadmap and the future of WordPress.” - Encouragement and Recognition of Contributions:
“The board could also help highlight companies that are contributing and encourage others to do so.”
Transparency with Money
In addition to advocating for a contributor board, de Valk raised concerns about financial transparency, particularly around payments made to Automattic for trademark deals. He questioned how much of the money flowing through these deals is directed toward WordPress contributions.
“Let everybody see how the money flows,” de Valk urged, suggesting that the funds might be better directed into the WordPress Foundation, or at least that there should be visibility into how many hours Automattic contributes to WordPress as a result of funding from companies like Newfold.
WordPress at a Crossroads
According to de Valk, WordPress may be at a pivotal moment in its history. He suggests that the platform should recommit to the open-source ideals that have made it successful. By fostering a sustainable system where companies reinvest in WordPress, the entire ecosystem can grow, allowing everyone to achieve their goals.
His proposal for a contributor board seeks to address issues of representation and transparency, ensuring that WordPress remains a thriving, collaborative platform for years to come. READ MORE …………………….
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