Actor-producer Dhanush says he keeps on investigating and learn as he shoots with executive Vetrimaaran for their next wonder, Vada Chennai. The actor on Wednesday night shared a photo from the film’s set and subtitled it: “10 years ago this day ‘Polladhavan’ released. Our journey continues as a team to explore and learn together. From the sets of ‘Vada Chennai’ right now.” Vada Chennai, a wrongdoing show, denotes actor’s third coordinated effort with Vetrimaaran. The two have already worked in Polladhavan and Aadukulam. The film likewise includes the performer Aishwarya Rajesh ahead of the pack. Dhanush will likewise be seen in Maari 2, a continuation of his Tamil hit film Maari.
In Maari, Dhanush played a dhoti-clad, mustache spinning nearby boisterous and he was matched with Kajal Aggarwal, who won’t be a piece of the spin-off. Be that as it may, actor Robo Shankar and Vinod, who had Dhanush’s sidekicks in the main influence, will be a piece of Maari 2.
As of late, the notice of actor’s tremendously anticipated introduction Hollywood film The Extraordinary Journey of The Fakir was likewise discharged. Helmed by executive Ken Scott, the film additionally stars Oscar-assigned performer Berenice Bejo and depends on Romain Puertolas’ book ‘The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir who got caught in an IKEA closet’. In the publication, Dhanush can be found in a smart blue suit sitting over an IKEA closet.
10 years ago dis day polladhavan released.Our journey continues as a team 2 explore nd learn together. From d sets of vadachennai right now.
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) November 8, 2017