On-screen actor Aadi was most recently seen in multi starrer, Shamantakamani. Aditya Pudipeddi is an Indian film performing artist, and cricketer, known for his works only in Telugu silver screen. Son of veteran performing artist Sai Kumar Pudipeddi, Aadi influenced his movie to make a big appearance in 2011 with the super hit movie Prema Kavali under the heading of K. Vijaya Bhaskar. The film collected basic recognition for Aadi and put him among the prominent youthful performing artists. He won the Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut – South for 2011.
Aadi in Sai Kumar’s Next Nevvu
Presently, this Sai Kumar’s fellow is back with another spine-chiller, titled Next Nuvve. This new film’s showy trailer is released recently and accessible to watch on YouTube. Next Nuvve additionally includes performing artists Vaibhavi and Rashmi. Brahmaji likewise assumes a key part. This motion picture is helmed by make a big appearance movie producer Prabhakar and created by Bunny Vas. Besides, Sai Kartheek will be scoring the tunes and Karthik Palani is the chief of photography of Next Nuvve.
So folks treat your eyes today with a forthcoming spine-chiller, Next Nuvve trailer. Make a prior booking for the movie and visit the theatres the first day and prove your love by being a true fan.