Prithviraj Sukumaran, who wrapped the shoot of the film as of late, took to his Facebook account and shared his experience and the voyage of being a piece of this task. He says how it was Listin Stephen who breathed life into this task back and it is sheer certainty and commitment of the chief that has possessed the capacity to pull off the undertaking.
Today..We wrap shoot for #VIMAANAM.
I still remember that evening when I sat through the first time Pradeep read out the entire script to me..sometime way back in early 2014. From that day to this..this film has been through a journey to say the least. We’ve had to grind through days when we had almost lost hope of this film ever happening. And day Listin Stephen listened to the script..and it did to him exactly what it did to me!
From then on..thanks to Listin’s conviction towards this film..and of course..the sheer passion Pradeep and his team of crew and cast have relentlessly’s been an extremely well planned, well executed shoot.
And for what looking back at the last 4 Years of my association with Pradeep makes me feel like today..I guess there is no better day to make this announcement.
It’s a dream that Pradeep and I share. And as always..we are dreaming big. Don’t ask me when..coz there is humongous amounts of research and prep that something like this demands..and definitely don’t ask me how much..coz the last thing we want this film to be known it’s budget.
Entangled between history, fiction, love and the wonder that is human ingenuity..lies the story of Engineer Kuruvila, and how he made the impossible possible for love!
The actor also shared a publication from the film in which we get a vibe that the film will be loaded with undertakings notwithstanding for the gathering of people. Indeed, it clearly is one of the tasks to pay special mind to.
In the meantime, Prithviraj has marked an undertaking with Anjali Menon, which carries him back with Parvathy and Bangalore Days popularity Nazriya Nazim. The film is yet untitled however has just figured out how to rise interest among the fans.