The actor, Rajkummar Rao’s capacity to fiddle with various classes and oppositely unique characters has never been more obvious, with his turns in ‘Trapped,’ ‘Newton’ and ‘Bareilly Ki Barfi’ all functioning admirably. In the wake of playing a fear-based oppressor in Hansal Mehta’s up and coming film, Rajkummar Rao is altogether prepared for an oppositely extraordinary part. Before the month is over, he will transform into Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose for a biopic to be gushed on the web. The arrangement is being made by Ekta Kapoor with Hansal as its imaginative producer.And now, the performing artist is preparing for the arrival of Hansal Mehta’s ‘Bose-Dead/Alive’.
The show investigates the untold story of Netaji, whose life was encompassed by contentions and secrets. It additionally acquires from the as of late declassified documents that discussion about his life and sudden vanishing from India’s flexibility development. Hansal says, “It’s not a stale biopic, narrated in a boring manner. ”
Ideal from hours of prosthetics to having rasgullas for breakfast to shaving his take off, Rajkummar Rao experienced a noteworthy change to get into the part of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose for ALTBalaji’s next web-arrangement Bose-Dead/Alive. Hansal Mehta has additionally helped the performing artist’s exceedingly acclaimed ‘Omerta’. Rajkummar will next be seen close by Kriti Kharbanda in ‘Shaadi Me Zaroor Aana’.