Vijay Deverakonda starrer Arjun Reddy made a tempest via social networking media. Upon release of the film was praised by a group of onlookers and commentators, and was hailed as ‘new-age’ Telugu silver screen. Vijay’s depiction of the main character won the hearts of the gathering of people. The film had a phenomenal opening and netted over Rs 31 crore in its opening end of the week. Curiously, Arjun Reddy is being revamped in Tamil with Chiyaan Vikram’s child Dhruv, who’s making his Tamil entry.
Bala to direct Dhruv Vikram’s Arjun Reddy Tamil remake
According to most recent reports, movie producer Bala has been reserved in to coordinate the Tamil form. Vikram took to his Instagram to declare the news. This comes as an unexpected news for fans. Despite the fact that it has gotten a blended reaction from the individuals who viewed Arjun Reddy. One expectation that the change does support to the first film. It should likewise be noticed that Vikram got his first leap forward with Bala’s Sethu.
The film recounts the tale of a medicinal specialist Arjun Reddy (Vijay Deverakonda), who falls frantically infatuated with his school junior Preethi (Shalini). Arjun ends up noticeably alcoholic post-separation and whatever is left of the story is how he makes up for himself. In the interim, Vikram is shooting for his anticipated movies, Dhruva Natchathiram and Saamy Square.