A big day for India as after a hold of 17 long years, India’s Manushi Chhillar has won the Miss World Beauty Contest for the year 2017. The 20-year-old medicinal student from Haryana won the renowned title and this win comes 17 years after Priyanka Chopra brought home the title in the year 2000. Priyanka herself, as well as others, prefer Sushmita Sen, Celina Jaitly shared their bliss on this news via social networking sites. Others from Bollywood like Amitabh Bachchan, Anupam Kher excessively shared their salutary messages for our Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar.
Priyanka Chopra tweeted, “And we have a successor!Congratulations @ManushiChhillar on becoming #MissWorld2017.. cherish and learn, and most importantly enjoy it.Bravo.” Sushmita too posted, “India wins Miss World 2017!!!! Congratulations @ManushiChhillar ????????????❤️????????????yipeeeee about time!!!!????????????????super proud!!!! #JaiHind ????❤️????.”
Amitabh Bachchan wrote, “T 2715 – A Miss World in our world .. ! Pride and felicitations .. गर्व और ख़ुशियाँ , भारत का झंडा गाड़ दिया विश्व में ।। Manushi Chillar congratulations !!????????????????????????????????????????????.” Celina Jaitly too shared her love note and wrote, “Congratulations @ManushiChhillar well done !! #proud to have the crown back !!”
“Dear @ManushiChhillar!! Thank you for bringing that crown back to India after 17years. Thank you for your amazing answer about mothers. Congratulations. India awaits to welcome you with colours of love, warmth & pride. Jai Ho.????????????,” tweeted Anupam Kher.
Going up against 108 challengers from different nations at a super celebration held at Sanya City Arena in China, she was likewise named one of the five champs of the Beauty with a Purpose award at Miss World 2017.
And we have a successor!Congratulations @ManushiChhillar on becoming #MissWorld2017.. cherish and learn, and most importantly enjoy it.Bravo
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) November 18, 2017
T 2715 – A Miss World in our world .. ! Pride and felicitations .. गर्व और ख़ुशियाँ , भारत का झंडा गाड़ दिया विश्व में ।। Manushi Chillar congratulations !!🤣🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 pic.twitter.com/30qyhaegBP
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) November 18, 2017
Congratulations @ManushiChhillar well done !! #proud to have the crown back !! https://t.co/FORB5pNKgB
— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) November 18, 2017
Dear @ManushiChhillar!! Thank you for bringing that crown back to India after 17years. Thank you for your amazing answer about mothers. Congratulations. India awaits to welcome you with colours of love, warmth & pride. Jai Ho.🇮🇳👏👏👏 pic.twitter.com/itdGLPcXDO
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) November 18, 2017
More power to women! She makes India proud .. Amazing !!Congratulations @ManushiChhillar #Proud ✨👏👏 https://t.co/kXuqBE7Aje
— Rahul Dev (@RahulDevRising) November 18, 2017