Raising their worry on the dense smog in Delhi, Bollywood stars like Arjun Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor and Dia Mirza, said that Delhi smog is “damn scary” and stringent advances ought to be gone up against “an urgent basis.” Specialists have as of late announced general wellbeing crisis in Delhi as air quality on the planet’s most contaminated capital city dove to levels compared to smoking no less than 50 cigarettes in a solitary day. Bollywood celebs, who are in the city to shoot for their separate movies, are experiencing breathing the exceptionally contaminated air.
Arjun Kapoor took to his Twitter handle and expressed, “What’s happening in Delhi is dangerous in more ways than one can imagine…I’m filming here as I type this and I’m fearing things aren’t gonna really get any better..” As indicated by reports, the air quality file of Delhi’s Lodhi Road zone fell under ‘extreme’ class with high particulate issue at 10 and 2.5. Different zones, including Dwarka, India Gate, Dhaula Kuan and R.K. Puram are secured with thick exhaust cloud.
Dr. Vikas Maurya, Senior Consultant and Head of Department at Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi exhorted individuals to abstain from running outside alongside doing physical exercises like cycling, running. N95 covers ought to be utilized on the off chance that it is completely important to go out.
Air Purifying plants, for example, Aloe Vera, Ivy, and Spider Plant can be put in the home and workplaces. To guarantee that indoor air contamination does not occur ensure there is a fireplace in the kitchen and fumes in the lavatory. Expand natural products rich in Vitamin C, Magnesium, nourishments rich in Omega Fatty Acid and have homegrown ginger and Tulsi tea. Air contamination represents a noteworthy wellbeing hazard and can cause stroke, coronary illness, lung tumor, and perpetual and intense respiratory maladies.
As indicated by the WHO, 92 percent of the total populace lives in zones where the air quality is beneath the WHO principles. Around 88 percent of unexpected losses happen in the low-and center wage nations, where air contamination is raising at a disturbing rate.
What’s happening in Delhi is dangerous in more ways than one can imagine…I’m filming here as I type this and I’m fearing things aren’t gonna really get any better… pic.twitter.com/hvj5bcUxlN
— arjunk26 (@arjunk26) November 8, 2017
It’s damn scary. We need to do something about it on an urgent basis. https://t.co/9bRTJkSORx
— Rajkummar Rao (@RajkummarRao) November 8, 2017
#SmogInDelhi is upsetting but what are we all doing?Are we doing our bit?Are we doing enough for the betterment of our city/country/planet?
— Shraddha (@ShraddhaKapoor) November 8, 2017
There are over 51000 children living in street situations in #Delhi breathing this poison. The invisible killer has been visible for years but it has done nothing to ensure collective action to combat #AirPollution. #DelhiSmog #BeatPollution https://t.co/nDVZVdIKFs
— Dia Mirza (@deespeak) November 8, 2017
.. we cannot be doing this to our planet .. #choked #delhismog pic.twitter.com/xHk3PSn1SG
— Parineeti Chopra (@ParineetiChopra) November 8, 2017