Shah Rukh Khan is an amazing father and nobody would say a word against this. The hotshot never tires discussing his children amid his meetings, on whether they would move toward becoming actors and considerably more that. The multitudinous pictures that he offers to his children via networking medias is another demonstration of this reality.
While Shah Rukh’s online networking pages are overwhelmed with photos of the most youthful one, Abram, just a couple of snaps with little girl Suhana and the eldest one Aryan are obvious on his profile. The hotshot, who once in a while shares pics of the all the three together, shared one such as of late and we have Aryan to thank for that.
Much like the whiz, a large portion of the exercises of his children via networking media or when they advance out is accounted for and one such mirror selfie posted by Aryan shared on Instagram on Tuesday was all finished media.
Be that as it may, the intriguing piece was that the photo influenced it to Shahrukh’s uncommon arrangement of all his three children that he shared via web-based social networking site, calling them his three vices, going from left to right, ‘Grace, Style & Playfulness.’
With their mom Gauri likewise posting some cute photos of the three children frequently, we can unquestionably call the Khans a ‘picture-happy’ family.