The cast for Shah Rukh Khan’s yet untitled dwarf motion picture just got greater. While we realize that Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma play the female leads in the Aanand L Rai motion picture, now we hear that Deepika Padukone has likewise been added to the cast. The intriguing piece is that Deepika Padukone was one of the primary decisions for the female lead in the film before she disregarded it and Katrina Kaif assumed control. So it was astounding that Deepika Padukone came back to extend that she said no as well. In any case, there is a purpose behind that.
Deepika Padukone added to dwarf team
According to a report in DNA, who broke this news, her part will that be a cameo. A source near the task uncovered to the paper, “While Katrina and Anushka have been shooting for the film, Deepika shot for the guest appearance recently.” If that is the situation, at that point Deepika Padukone joins Kajol, Sridevi, Karisma Kapoor, Rani Mukerji and Alia Bhatt, who are playing themselves in the motion picture in cameo appearances. At that point, there is Salman Khan too who has shot for his exceptional appearance not long ago. In any case, while photos of their shoot influenced it to social to systems administration locales, with SRK himself sharing their pics on Twitter, Deepika’s cameo shoot has gone into a secretive mode. In Rai’s film, Katrina Kaif plays a performing artist and the majority of the on-screen characters in cameos are playing themselves.
Discussing alternate cameos, a source near the undertaking had before uncovered“Kajol and Rani filmed earlier in the day, while Alia, Sridevi and Karisma shot later. Most of them are wearing Manish Malhotra’s outfits and had a blast.” A spokesperson from Red Chillies Entertainment, also confirmed this to the paper, “SRK recently shot with a few of his leading ladies for his upcoming movie with Aanand L Rai. It was a great experience for him to work with all the gorgeous women and share screen space with them all over again.”
We ponder which performing artist or on-screen character will SRK rope next for the motion picture!