Mouni Roy, a beautiful TV star had the best Diwali festivity ever. The on-screen character went through the promising day with her long-term lover and TV on-screen character Mohit Raina and his family. While the performing artist avoided posting any photos of them together, Mohit Raina shared a few pictures which is proof the two are going solid as a couple, in spite of the separation bits of gossip.
Mohit Raina and Mouni Roy stay together
In one of the photos, the two have held their hands. Mouni Roy looks lost in Mohit, keeping in mind that Mohit is investigating the camera. This is super lovable. Mouni and Mohit have not admitted their relationship but rather the bits of gossip about them seeing each other have been solid since the two showed up in Colors TV’s fanciful arrangement, Devo ke Dev… Mahadev. As of late, in the midst of the considerable number of hypotheses about their separation, Mohit’s desire for Mouni on her birthday had put a conclusion to the bits of gossip.
On the work front, both the performers are occupied with their activities. While Mouni is soon to influence her Bollywood to make a big appearance with Akshay Kumar starrer Gold, Mohit is occupied with preparing up for his TV indicate Battle of Sangria. Mouni has wrapped the shooting for Gold. The movie coordinated by Reema Kagti is slated for discharge on August 15, 2018