Bollywood’s most Awaited Film ‘Padmavati’ Trailer is Released today. it has unveiled the highlights of the Film : Characters, and Battle Field that could start the Saga till its release.
This Three-Minute Video Showcases the roles of Stars : Deepika Padukone as Queen Padmavati, Shahid kapoor as Maharawal Ratan Singh and Ranveer Singh as Alauddin Khilji. It features the Vast Chittoor Fort and the historic sculpture
It is Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Sanjay Leela bhansali’s Third time to Team-up for a Visual Treat after Goliyon ki Rasleela, Ram-Leela and Bajirao Mastani. And Shahid Kapoor’s First Film with Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
The Film is based on a Historic Drama that took place around 14th Century. During the War, To Save herself from the invaded Soldiers , all the women along ‘Queen Padmavati’ kills themselves by leaping into the fire. where Ratan Singh is Fighting in the War Battle Field
The Saga of ‘Padmavati’ Movie has began , When the team started unveiling the Look of Stars in their respective Roles in the Film. All the Faces are really facinating and also boosts the Royal elements of Kings Ages
Check out the Official Trailer of The Film ‘Padmavati’ now !