The first song from Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan and Malayalam performer Parvathy’s up and coming film Qarib Qarib Singlle is out. Titled “Khatam Kahani”, the tune highlights eccentric sweetheart kid Yogi (Irrfan) attempting to charm the compulsive worker and develop Jaya (Parvathy). The melody has appealing verses and will be adored by adolescents. “Khatam Kahani” is shot in the pleasant areas of Bikaner, Rishikesh and Gangtok.
Irrfan Khan shared the track on his Twitter account with the inscription, “Jaya aur Yogi ki #KhatamKahani …. ya actually shuru ?! Song out now… @QQSTheFilm.”
“Khatam Kahani” is composed by Rajshekhar and sung by the Nooran Sisters. It features the affection abhor relationship shared by the couple. The tune closes with Yogi saying “Saath jeene maarne wali love story nahi hai humari.”. Minutes before the melody was out, Irrfan Khan tweeted Kabhi aapke saath aisa time aaya hai, ke aapne apne partner ko kaha ‘bas ab #JaanLeLuTeri!’ ? ”
Qarib Qarib Singlle spins around a moderately aged couple who find love and life on their trek which transforms into an insane desi experience. The lighthearted comedy is helmed by movie producer Tanuja Chandra and is good to go to discharge on November 10, 2017.
Jaya aur Yogi ki #KhatamKahani …. ya actually shuru ?! Song out now… #parvathy @QQSTheFilm
— Irrfan (@irrfank) October 12, 2017
Kabhi aapke saath aisa time aaya hai, ke aapne apne partner ko kaha ‘bas ab #JaanLeLuTeri!’ ? 😃
— Irrfan (@irrfank) October 12, 2017